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Super Pet Chinchilla Bath Sand

Chinchilla Bath Sand is a revolutionary idea in the care of chinchillas! Before, chinchilla owners had to provide a very messy dust for their chinchillas to bath in. Chinchilla Bath Sand is a superior alternative to the traditional chinchilla dust because its virtually dust free especially when used with your Super Pet Chinchilla Bath House! Bath Sand is made from a 100% natural volcanic mountain pumice found in the Andes Mountains, which is where your chinchilla's wild relatives are from. Each box of Chinchilla Bath Sand includes 5 ready-to-use E-Z pour packets ensuring you use a perfect amount of sand every time.

This is the 1st one I used, but when the packets ran out of the first box i decided to try something new. I couldn't believe how much "dustier" the new one was (Sun Seed Chin Dust)... Super Pet is too grainy


Tuesday 8/31/2004 2:05 am

After using dust for several months I tried the packet of the super pet sand that came with the bath house. My chin did one roll in it and then came out and gave me a disgusted look. When I touched him his fur felt awful and I had to brush it all off him and give him a bath in Blue cloud dust just to make him look and feel nice again.


Wednesday 6/2/2004 5:21 pm

I once used this sand with my first chinchilla and it seemed to be working, but after the second chinchilla I was then interduced to the bath dust. You can tell the difference. Before the one using sand was looking oily and not so fluffie anymore but still have a soft coat. Then decided to try the dust with him and afterwards his fur is beautiful and fluffie once again. He loves the dust. After this experience I would never use the sand again it doesn't benefit them. The bath house really nice.


Sunday 1/4/2004 6:15 pm

I adopted a chinchilla who was rarely if ever
bathed for four months. This sand cleared
up his oils perfectly within two days. He
loves it. It's natural, pure, chemical free, and
doesn't get his food and entire cage coated
in dust.


Monday 12/8/2003 2:38 am

I don't understand all the negative reviews for this product. This is what is actually found in the chinchilla's natural habitat. I let them roll in it every night, they are in & out in 30 seconds. My chins coats look gorgeous as can be.


Monday 11/10/2003 4:50 am

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Chinchilla Product Reviews