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Giant Kritter Krawler

Giant Kritter Krawler is a 12.5 inch diameter ball made of shatter-resistant plastic. Your chin runs inside of the Kritter Krawler. The lid is secure and the ball is well ventilated. The ball is clear so as to maximize your chin's view.

I have till recently disliked these balls on principle. However I broke down and bought one. Well the chins loved it on site. They actually crawl directly into the ball and wait for the lid to be put on. The game of the moment seems to be see how many things you can run into at top speed and if you hit the dog you get extra points since he runs in terror. I never leave them in more then 10-15 minutes at a time. I was given a second ball so now 2 can play at once and I plan on buying a third. I find when they want out they just stop or go back to the cage and wait to be put back in the cage. COmmon sense as with all items. Poop is a problem but never had urine in the cage, however my boys seem to be somewhat potty trained


WARNING----These can cause heat stroke for ANY rodent in as fast as 10 min. I DO NOT RECOMEND. If you have EVER seen your chin laying down inside this ball, it wasnt a good sign. Please pass on this important message!!!!


My chinchilla didn't seem to enjoy the ball very much. He would hop around for a minute or two, then just sit and wait for someone to let him out. He much prefers to run free, or use the wheel in his cage.


My two boys had no clue what to do when they were inside! Just looked around everywhere...


I guess these are for some and not for others. Our chinchilla absolutely loves this thing. She hops right in and away she goes. I also don't have to worry about her chewing anything harmful. We obviously take care to be sure she's not getting too hot. We limit to about 30 min. She's never peed in it but we do have to empty the poo pellets usually after about 15 min. or so. I have also never had a problem with the poop coming out the vents while she's running.


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Chinchilla Product Reviews