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Giant Kritter Krawler

Giant Kritter Krawler is a 12.5 inch diameter ball made of shatter-resistant plastic. Your chin runs inside of the Kritter Krawler. The lid is secure and the ball is well ventilated. The ball is clear so as to maximize your chin's view.

This is only good for using as a chinsitter when you are cleaning their cage.


I gave this one star but it really doesn't deserve any stars. This is a CHIN DEATH TRAP!!! Chins overheat way too easy to be enclosed in a plastic ball.
Imagine sitting in a sauna in about 3 heavy winter coats, that's what this ball is like to a chin.
Do you chin a favor and just dont use it.


I don't really know a lot of chins other than my own, but after reading other reviews, I believe mine are a whole lot smarter or more adventurous than some of the others I read about. Both of my boys were off and running within minutes of putting them in. Now I just let them see the ball and they jump in! As far as poop falling out, yes it does, but the quantity is nothing compared to what it would be if they were running free. It also allows them to roam to places they haven't been before. (Like running full speed into large dogs!) Anyhow, for us it was a good investment. I will only get the clear this time, though.


My chin freaked out in it. Poop got stuck all in his fur as he ran. it's better to let them run free than in this.


Maybe I have simple chinchillas, But they just sit in it. They would rather hop then run, so they don't seem to like it. Much better for a rat!


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Chinchilla Product Reviews