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Giant Kritter Krawler

Giant Kritter Krawler is a 12.5 inch diameter ball made of shatter-resistant plastic. Your chin runs inside of the Kritter Krawler. The lid is secure and the ball is well ventilated. The ball is clear so as to maximize your chin's view.

My chinchilla use to love this ball when i first got her but now she will just sit in it in the corner i havent put her in it in weeks i use to put her in it while i cleaned the cage but now that i moved her into my room i dont use it anymore. Even if you wash it after every use it gets a horrid odor like a skunk stuck in the plastic i tryed washing it every day for hours and the smell never even faded. I think they are gross


My chinchilla always gets really hot and nervous in this ball! Plus, it has almost no ventilation.


I SPOKE TO SOON! We have since returned this KRITTER KRAWLER. I think that it would be good only for cage cleaning time. Charly ended up hating this ball, I think the only reason he even rolled around in it was because he was trying to get out. I now keep him in the bathroom with it's doors closed during cleaning. We have also purchased the "ED WHEEL" from chinworld.com. It truly is great, we highly recommend this wheel.


I believe this product to be convenient. I would not use it as a substitute for free time, but it's great when you have company over or are cleaning his cage. Also, I have had no droppings slip out of the ball. They just all build up till you hear them rattling around.


charly loves his KRAWLER. he checks out the rooms in the house (the ones we let him in) rolls over to us, hangs out then when he is done he goes back in front of his cage. poop on the floors is a problem. i bought a really good dustbuster. i clean out the ball as needed put him back in and let the good times roll. he has never urinated in it either. i also don't use it when it is too hot and we check on him regularly.


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Chinchilla Product Reviews