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Super Pet Chinchilla Hut

Chin Hut is the perfect little pine house for your pet. This all natural house features a simple slide-together assembly design meaning there's no glue or screws that could harm your pet. Critters can sleep, hide, chew, and frolic in this neat little house. Chin Hut's universal design fits any pet's home, plus it even fits perfectly onto Super Pet's Comfort Shelves. It's the perfect cabin for your chinchilla, pet rat or other critter! Measures 7.75 L x 7.75H. For Guinea Pigs, Pet Rats, Chinchillas, Unusual Pets.

It is a nice little house if you clue it together. My females love to go in there and cuddle with kits


NEVER buy this for your chin.the roof falls off easily and if your chins jump on it it will fall apart easily.they also love to chew the slot pieces off making it impossible to put back together.


Same as other reviewer said. My chin flipped the roof off (which is extremely easy to do), chewed the connection slots off, and now loves chewing the walls and roof to pieces. Not worth the money for something they will chew to pieces.


Not very sturdy. our chin won't go inside but previously enjoyed the link N lodge, he even slept in it, it was very sturdy.


The hut has pros and cons. It is too small for 2 chins, but for my one chin, it works great. I didn't like that there was no bottom in the hut and I didn't like the thought of Bizzy sleeping on the cold wire cage shelf, so I bought a cozy-Sac small animal pet bed, and put the hut inside fo it, and the hut fit perfectly. The nice thing about this set-up is that Bizzy has a nice fleece lined soft bed, but the feeling of security with an enclosed hut. The Cozy-Sac comes with an attached clip that secures it to the cage, that way it can't be pushed off the shelf, resulting in injury. Bizzy loves to sleep in his hut, with his adorable little head resting on the edge of the fleece lined Cozy-Sac using it for a pillow. It works great! :o)


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Chinchilla Product Reviews