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Our Chin-Chillers™ can help keep your chinchilla cool and comfortable on warm summer days. Each Chin-Chiller™ is an approximately 6 x 12 x 1/4 piece of solid stone (such as granite or marble). Because Chin-Chillers™ are made of stone they are cooler than the ambient air temperature. So, placing a Chin-Chiller™ in your chin's cage will give your pet a cool place to relax. To get the maximum cooling effect store your Chin-Chiller™ in a refrigerator. In fact, on really warm days it's nice to have multiple Chin-Chillers™ on hand in the refrigerator so that they can be rotated every few hours.

Some of the Chin-Chillers™ are actually made of very pretty stone, but most are not. They are meant to be functional rather than pretty.

These are great to pull out of the frige on a hot summer day.


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Chinchilla Product Reviews