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Our Chin-Chillers™ can help keep your chinchilla cool and comfortable on warm summer days. Each Chin-Chiller™ is an approximately 6 x 12 x 1/4 piece of solid stone (such as granite or marble). Because Chin-Chillers™ are made of stone they are cooler than the ambient air temperature. So, placing a Chin-Chiller™ in your chin's cage will give your pet a cool place to relax. To get the maximum cooling effect store your Chin-Chiller™ in a refrigerator. In fact, on really warm days it's nice to have multiple Chin-Chillers™ on hand in the refrigerator so that they can be rotated every few hours.

Some of the Chin-Chillers™ are actually made of very pretty stone, but most are not. They are meant to be functional rather than pretty.

My chins don't do any thing with it all they do is chew at it! it is a good idea but it doesn't work :(


Even though the overall use of this by my baby is limited. I have noticed he especially loves to lay on this after running to cool down. I have the granite style.


These are great and easy to clean, get granite or marble pieces instead for less $. At PetSmart they are only $8.00 though. Emily you should not use a heating pad because they will chew them and as far as I know 56 degrees is not too cold. They like the cold. HEAT is the Problem. Give them a cardboard house if your worried about the cold. Drafts aren't good.


This product is good and all, but what about a heating pad? My dad wont raise the heat in the house and so its 56 degrees, and my chin shivers!


My Hanpan just loves it! When she's not sleeping in her house, she's sleeping on this. After we let her back into her cage after play time, she'll lay her head on it like it's a pillow.


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Chinchilla Product Reviews