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Mazuri Chinchilla Feed

One of the most popular brands of chinchilla feed in the US.

Best food ever! I've used several different pellets and my chins never looked as healthy as they do on Mazuri! Their fur looks healthier, they don't have that sad little hump on their backs anymore, I would never feed them anything other than this!


Tuesday 5/26/2009 11:33 am

My chins like this feed, but they haven't gained much
weight on it and will soon be switching over to Oxbow.


Monday 3/23/2009 4:33 pm

I found out that bugs love this feed just as much a
chins do. I found bugs in the bag the next day I
bought it!


Saturday 5/24/2008 9:54 pm

It was an ok feed but I switched to Kline and they seem to be doing better on it.


Wednesday 8/9/2006 3:34 pm

this is a grat feed for your chinchilla this is the only chinchilla feed you will love and keep on loveing and so will your chinchillas :-D


Tuesday 7/4/2006 4:28 am

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Chinchilla Product Reviews