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Mazuri Chinchilla Feed

One of the most popular brands of chinchilla feed in the US.

My chins just love this food, they wont eat any other kind!


Wednesday 3/2/2005 6:28 pm

This is really good food. My chin enjoys it and she is plump and beautiful.


Wednesday 2/2/2005 1:32 am

Well I tried to switch the food over slowly to avoid tummy upset. The chins had different ideas. From day one these pellets were eatten promptly and the old pellets ignored completly. Tummy upset seemed minimal so they went right into this food. The chins say its an A++ and they dont want any other food.


Sunday 1/16/2005 8:29 am

Excellent product. This is the only pellet that my chinchillas actually enjoy eating. With others they seem to have a look on their faces of, "I'm only eating this because if I don't I'll starve." lol My favorite and theirs!


Monday 11/10/2003 4:25 am

I'm very pleased with Mazuri, as the chins like it better than what I was using, and it lasts longer, because it doesn't disintigrate into dust so quickly.

-Tina Thayer

Wednesday 10/15/2003 4:49 am

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