so I was playing with popsicle, and he went into hide and seek mode and hid in his maze/condo, so I decided to take a bathroom break before he emerged.
As I was closing the bathroom door, I felt resistance. To my horror, Popsicle had tried to follow me in and I had closed the door on him. Not even the far end of the door, he was caught underneath near the middle of the door and the door base.
Freaked out that I had broken his ribs or crushed his internal organs or something. Called around trying to find a 24 hour emergency clinic that would let me x-ray an animal in a human hospital or find a 24 hour vet. Nothing nothing nothing.
He seems ok now though, quite active, so I think he's alright, though that advice about chinchilla's hiding injuries is worrying me a bit, but I think he's back to normal. ...
Pray for popsicle if you're the praying type... thanks all...