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Super Pet Hammock

This Hammock is the perfect playtime accessory for ferrets and other critters that provides a comfortable spot to snuggle and nap after fun and play. The Hammock comes with four strong clips so you can position and safely attach your Hammock to any wire pet home. Hammock is made from a brightly colored, soft cotton fabric that is machine washable ensuring your friend will always have a clean place to snooze. Machine washable. Measures 14 x 14.

This hammock is definitely made for ferrets - not chinchillas. Chinchins like stable surfaces to jump from. My chin wanted nothing to do with this thing. Try this hammock only if you don't mind your chinchilla not using it or having it destroyed in a day or two.


Have used this with 3 chins at different times. We spent more time repairing it than they spent in it, though all three loved it. I wish there was a chinchilla-proof version!


my chinnie dotes on this thing. i have it stretched tight, which might make a difference in the "chew" factor. so instead of a hammock, it's more of a shelf. she's had it in her cage for a year now. it's suprisingly long-lasting. as long as they have plenty else to chew in the cage, most fabric-compatible chinnies do just fine (and it's a relief from wires, if you've got wire-bottomed cages


Definitely NOT for chinchillas...my 2 destroyed theirs within a day! Straps chewed through, nylon shredded beyond repair, you name it.


My chin never once even got in it, he also only wanted it destroyed.


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Chinchilla Product Reviews