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Lixit Glass Water Bottle

Glass Water Bottles stand up against the worst chewers!

I love this water bottle! Its glass, so they can't chew through it. Also very easy to keep clean. The only problem i had was my chinchilla kept knocking it down, but she soon got used to it.


These are the best water bottles I have used, they do not leak at all and easy to keep clean.


All my chins are using these lixit glass bottles, they are easy to disinfect and can be easily wash by a lixit washing brush.


These bottles are ok, definately better than the plastic drip bottles. They still leak though. Nivek puts out a really good water bottle that doesn't leak at all. I am partial to the nivek bottle. Lixit bottles are easy to disinfect.

Adirondack Chinchillas


These are a must for those who do not want to clean up the water leaks from plastic bottles that have been chewed on. :)

-Jo Ann

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