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Lixit Glass Water Bottle

Glass Water Bottles stand up against the worst chewers!

This water bottle doesn't leak as long as you have the rubber washer between the screw on top and the neck of the bottle (as for all water bottles).

I like the glass because it is dishwasher safe and is capable of being disinfected (chinchillas are sensitive to giardia that grows in water).

Once I have the metal holder in place on the cage, I keep it on the cage so that, whenever I take the bottle off to clean it, it makes it easy to slide the bottle right back onto the cage.


this was the best thing i ever bought. my chinchilla destroyed 2 plastic ones. glass water bottles are a lot harder to put on but thats only so it does fall and break on you.


I am so glad they make a glass bottle my chinchilla chewed through about 5 plastic ones before I got this.Of couse when they do that they break the vaccume and WHOOSH ~ water everywhere.. What a nightmare! I would come home and there would be a big puddle. Now he can chew all he wants but he isn't going to nibble a hole in this one!


I love this Water Bottle when I came home with the Water Bottle my chinchillas didn't know how to use it but in an hour they got it figured out


It was a good idea but the holder doesnt stay on good and it leaks alot :( i ended up getting a new water bottle its plastic but she cant get to it its called all living things water bottle it was from petsmart kindof expensive but if your have trouble with your water nottle leaking get this kind ;) it has a different type of valve its not like a little ball, it works great though I've heard of alot of people who sware by lixit water bottles??


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