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Western Timothy is a high fiber, low protein, low calcium grass hay which helps keep the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits and small herbivores functioning properly. Timothy hay will help prevent obesity, maintain a healthy urinary system and improve overall health. Timothy hay is the most widely recommended hay by veterinarians for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and other herbivores. It is a very fragrant hay that encourages consumption.

Ive been using this hay for over a year and my CHins LOVE it! Its the freshest and healthiest hay you can buy. I would totally reccomend this to anyone.


Thursday 2/2/2006 1:16 am

I have been using oxbow for years but for the last 6 months or so it has been getting worse and worse. This past box is just like the straw around here. I am giving it one more box and if it is still lousy I am switching.


Sunday 9/25/2005 8:57 am

Fresh and really nice smelling. I wouldnt use any other Timothy Hay. Its the best you can buy. I've used other timothy hays and they were gross and ugly looking and not very fresh looking at ALL. this one is diffrent. Its nice and fresh and clean and I highly reccomend you use this brand.


Saturday 2/12/2005 9:32 pm

simply the best. It is extra clean, and I found that my asthma/allergies improved when I started using this.
A lot of hay out there is dusty, but not this one!!!


Saturday 3/6/2004 10:38 pm

An excellent quality hay. It's always fresh, and the chins love it. The alfalfa is also great as an addition for nursing and expectant moms. We have also found it tempts appetites that are off.


Wednesday 1/21/2004 2:38 am

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Chinchilla Product Reviews