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Messages - notanotherxerox

Pages: [1]
Q & A / not using chin chiller?
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:08:46 PM »
Hi! I provide my chinchilla with a chin chiller every time the temperature gets near 70 (I keep a thermometer attached to her cage) but she never uses it even on hotter days. I put it under her house during the day while she sleeps but she always stays off to the side and at night I attach it to one of her shelves and again she never sits on it. I know chinchillas are sensitive to the heat and it worries me that she wont cool herself off if it gets too hot. Do i just have to trust her instincts? Does anyone elss's chins do this? 

Q & A / Re: sources for treats and toys?
« on: April 04, 2013, 04:11:45 PM »
Thank you for your help! I've been giving her paper towel tubes sliced down the middle so she cant get her head stuck and she likes those so I'm going to take your idea of giving her cardboard boxes.

Q & A / sources for treats and toys?
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:19:22 PM »
I have been looking at online stores and ebay to find dried herbs like rose hips and stuff and also looking for somewhere I can buy parts to make my own chinchilla toys but it seems difficult to find a place that I can buy it all at once to save on shipping. I'm nervous to buy toy supplies bc it may say natural but how do I know if the wood has been treated with something or the rope has chemicals in it. So I've mainly been searching pet supply stores, like tj chinchilla supplies just sells in bulk, but those places dont seem to carry everything I need or sell only in bulk.

Where do you buy treats? And does anyone here make their own chinchilla toys, if so where do you get the supplies?
Thank you for your time!

Q & A / Re: Taking my new chinchilla out of the cage...
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:09:40 PM »
Thank you so much for your replies! I have let my chinchilla out in the bathroom several times now and she seems to have fun running and exploring. I've been luring her into the cage with a trail of a couple of flakes of oatmeal and a 1/2 of a cheerio at the end which gets her into the cage. I just have to wait until she decides she wants to check the cage out and find the treats. I'm nervous about catching her because I dont want her to associate me getting her with the ending of her fun so I think I'll try the dustbath idea to get her back into her house. She'll definitely come to that quicker than what I'm doing now. I have also held her multiple times and she seems to be getting used to it once I have her but I've noticed her running when i go to pet her since I started so I've been trying to mix it up so she doesn't think every time I touch her I'm going to grab her.
Zoey and I thank you for helping us bond safely!

Q & A / Taking my new chinchilla out of the cage...
« on: March 04, 2013, 01:25:25 PM »
Hi! I recently got my first chinchilla from a family who couldnt give her attention that she needed. She is amazingly friendly almost right away and very sweet. For the month that I've had her I've been putting my arm inside the cage to pet her and try to get her used to being handled. She's doing great with it and ready to be held but I am extremely nervous because of how fast and squirmy she is. I'm terrified that if I try to take her out she will get away and be loose in my room. I've already planned to take her out in the bathroom where she will be safe if she did get loose but still I'd like to avoid if.

What is the next step to be able to safely take her out and her not get away? And when you let them run around a secure room how do you get them back in their cages? I've been making the same noise everytime I give her a treat in hopes of training her to come to me if she is loose. I'm hoping some experienced chinchilla owners can help me further bond with my little girl. Thank you for your time!

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