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Messages - trista

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Chat / Re: Laying Positions
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:34:15 AM »
Though my Chinchilla was just recently pregnant, she has always had a thing for laying on her side. The first time I ever saw it I thought it was the most hilarious thing EVER!  rofl
Just today though, she nursed her kits and then ran off and PLOPPED herself half on her side and half on her back...ha, it was so very random.
Her NEWEST thing though - her wooden hut is underneath of a ramp and she likes to stick her head out, look around, and then crawl on her back over the top and down the side of it!  ;D SERIOUSLY! WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD!?!?
I call it her new trick because she seems awful proud of her flexibility!

My other Chinchilla Penny likes to come up to the front of the cage and do a weird little, jump-half-side-flip-THING??? and then she'll lay right on her side with her belly right up against the front of the cage door.

Their all nuts in my opinion :wildeyes:

Here's a picture of Penny and Peekers when they were really young. Peekers is the White one and she was 6 months. Penny is the Standard and was 4 months. It was the first time I ever saw them cuddle.

General Chat / Re: MY CHIN GOT LOSE!
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:24:55 AM »
At the last house I lived in there was a TINY gap on the bedroom door. I never thought anything of it and would let the Chinchillas out to play together without me in the room (Don't worry everyone, it was chin proofed!!! and the girls got along fantastically). Well I heard some commotion in the kitchen and I got up to see that my German Shepherd was watching something in the corner behind the fridge - I immediately went into panic mode and realized it must have been a Chinnie!!!!  :blush2:
I looked and here was Penny, just sittin' in the corner.
LUCKILY my German Shepherd didn't hurt her (she has some slobber on her though) - they are actually buds now. Penny sits near the door and Leila sits next to the cage and they touch noses. From time to time Leila mouths at Penny and Penny doesn't usually care - but Leila gets a scolding!  ::tickedoff::

Lesson learned! I put up a baby gate in front of the door and blocked it even still with a towel.
I never realized how FLAT a Chinchilla can actually make themselves until that day!!! Unreal!   

General Chat / What does he look like?
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:15:03 AM »
I've been reading about the 3 types of Chinchillas. I've been wondering what types seem more influential in my different Chins.
My Male Chinnie is built a little differently than my females are. I'm thinking he must have some of the Costina influence in his genes.
What do you all think?

Look at the pictures below and you can compare it to the pictures on this website:

I wouldn't say his ears are as large as the Costina, but his face shows a more narrow trend, something I'm hoping that pairing him with my female helped with in their offspring (I'm hoping that their kits will be an improvement of that and lean towards Peekers).

The pictures below show Boo - my Homo Beige male. You can see the narrowness more in the picture where he's eating his hay. Please excuse his messy fur, he's NOT in his prime right now!

Boo will be 6 on Sunday, so this isn't something that he'll outgrow. Peekers' face was a bit more narrow as a kit, but it's rounded a lot with age.

Looking forward to input!

Guestbook / Re: Hi all!
« on: August 12, 2008, 02:20:36 AM »
It's so nice that you guys took in the puppy and kept him.
Our Shepherd, Chihuahua mix, and Pit/Rott are all rescues.
4 of our cats our rescues also.

New Births / Re: My Very First Kits
« on: August 11, 2008, 05:36:47 AM »
Yeah, already the little girl seems to look darker today than she did that first day - ha!
I have been watching one grow (he's from a breeder about 10 min from me). When he was born he was all splotchy (a white mosaic) and a few weeks later he was half black and half white! So funny! I'm excited to see how they turn out, but especially the male because he has those little subtle markings at the moment that will change with time.
Now I just have to decide next if I want to breed again with the two of them (the parents) or if I want to neuter him.
We shall see!

Guestbook / Re: Hi all!
« on: August 11, 2008, 05:25:27 AM »
Aw! What kind of dogs do you have?
I have a German Shepherd, a Chihuahua mix, a Miniature Pinscher, A Doberman, and a Pit Bull/Rottweiler mix - my babies  ::nod::
30 Chinnies! My Fiance would slaughter me! But I've been slowly growing over the last year - I'll have to keep it small until next winter - hopefully by that time I'll have a little bit more room!

Guestbook / Hi all!
« on: August 11, 2008, 01:21:48 AM »
I'm from Minnesota and I'm brand new to this board. I wanted to be a part of a community that loves Chins just as much as I do!  ;)
My Chinchilla Peekers and her mate Boo just had their first litter of kits on August 8th =)
They are separated at the moment and Boo misses her like crazy even though he's right below her  :-[
Besides that I have 5 dogs and 5 cats - my own little "zoo"  :wildeyes:

New Births / My Very First Kits
« on: August 11, 2008, 01:06:05 AM »
On August 8th my very first litter of kits were born  ;) to my Mosaic female - Peekers and my Beige (Homo) male - Boo. They are gorgeous!
The first born was a male. He looks to be a PW, but he has a marking over one eye and on his back, which makes me wonder - will he be a golden mosaic? Any help with that would be nice! We'll see as he gets older.
Then there is the female. She is a really pretty Beige (het. of course)
Peekers is doing a great job with the mothering and Boo is below them so he gets to still see them run around.
They weighed 45.5g at birth and the little girl is already up to 70.9g and the male is at 49.7g  :::grins::
The pictures below:
The one in my hand is the female
The one on the bed is the male

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