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Messages - Starina

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Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 30, 2012, 03:41:39 PM »
Well she had the raisins off my hand, at first she was a little weary. I gave her one a few hours ago and another just now, I think she really likes them lol.

I put my hand in the first time and she hid and then came out grabbed it off my hand and ran away. When I just did it now she came over to my hand right away and took the raisin and ate it next to my hand once it had gone she sniffed around me then pawed at me, I think she wanted another. She keeps coming up to the side of the cage now as if she's talking to me at pawing at it near where I'm sat.

I've decided to get rid of the ramps and will get the wooden blocks so she can just jump on them. She seems so happy atm running around her cage up and down and playing with things. Much more lively then she was yesterday and looks alot happier than she did in the store if that makes sense. When I go near the cage for any reason I talk to her and she comes up near where my face is and has a smell around but she is still very jumpy if I make any sudden moves. Though I think she's come on great from yesterday.

She is still sleeping around the cage in different spots and not in her bed, is this normal?

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:28:43 AM »
Thanks  ::). I think it's a good picture too, she came over to me when I was putting the other water bottle on and was smelling my hand from outside the bar, so I thought I'd take the picture whilst she was interested in what I was doing.

Oh no that's awful why would they have these kind of cages then, I'll look into changes the steps and see if I can for now put the felt on there as that's what I've done with the middle floor. She doesn't seem to jump around much she's constantly up and down the stairs.

She's still asleep now just next to the grey marble thing that she was sitting on in the picture, She's moved into the hammock and sat there for a minute but moved back to that spot. It's strange she won't sleep in her bed, it's the same one she was sleeping in inside the store.
I got some raisins today to give to her I know you can only give 1-2 a day so when she wakes up later I'll see if I can put my hand in there and if she'll come to me for it. (Hopefully she'll smell it) and pop over. I had some other treats I got, and offered her one she came and sniffed it but she obviously didn't like the smell lol and stuck her nose up at me. She is very curious and inquisitive.
I was going to see about letting her out but as you said I don't want to be chasing her around or anything so I'll leave her for a while. I was hoping to be able to put the dust bath in the cage to lure her back into it after her playtime, so I may have to get a smaller bath for her.

This is my first Chinchilla, I'm used to hamsters and dogs! The occasional fish. I wish I would have been able to get a friend for her, and was actually considering going to a different store so I could get two. But she looked so sad in the store and I had to bring her home!.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 30, 2012, 04:17:51 AM »
I hope they got their wires crossed too, she did say that they take them from the woman breeder when they're ready to leave, which is around 8 weeks. So maybe she just got the times wrong, and that they've had her for two weeks since she's left the breeder.

She's been running around and having a little look, and she comes to the side of the cage and puts her paws on the side of it, I'm at the opposite end of the room on the sofa. So I just talk to her from here. I've come down this morning and she was under her food bowl what looked like she was asleep but she looked at me when I walked in the living room. I hope she slept in her bed and not on the wire that would have been uncomfortable.

I've spoken to her and been sure to leave her alone as in not go in the cage, and have spoke to her from the distance I'm at. And she looks at me, She's not made any noises at me since last night, and I went next to the cage to put a small lamp on for her before I went to bed at around 1:30am. I was concerned about her not drinking because I brought her back from the petshop at 2pm and she's was awake the whole time until I went to bed, but I witnessed her drink something before I went to bed so I was happy about that.

Should I just leave her for a few days now and talk to her like I am? Or try and get closer to the cage; I don't want to scare her but I want her to trust me. I'm not sure if she's ever had a bath at the store, but I have one for her here I didn't realise that it's as big as it is, so it won't fit in the cage hatch's only on the top shelf.

It's 11am now and she's running around again and coming to the side of the cage to look at me.

I tried to upload a picture but it wouldn't let me said it was too big, but here is my new baby.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:13:13 PM »
I've spoken to her alot she's still slightly jumpy when I move but I've found when I speak to her she does look at me and paw on the cage.

I'm not sure if she's drank any water, I'll have to felt the water bottles and check later. I put another water bottle at the bottom of the cage just in case. She's very happy jumping around and stuff and looks alot happier than she did in the shop which is great. She made a lil noise at me earlier when I was attaching the other water bottle but when I started talking to her she stopped.

I'm not sure if they've ever given her a sand bath or not. To be honest I'm a little surprised at the lack of help really in the pet shop. When I got my sons hamster from there it was all questions about if I've owned one before what stuff I use ect. They didn't give me any do's or dont's of her at all!. I asked how old she was and they were like um well I think she's 10 weeks since they leave breeder at 8 weeks. I thought they left breeder at 12 weeks? I may be wrong and they've had her two weeks.

I didn't like the way they picked her up in the shop to check her sex it seemed kind of rough for my liking.

But now she's hope and seems very settled into her new house.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 29, 2012, 11:28:41 AM »
Maybe I spoke too soon, she's now running around the cage. And is on the top shelf trying out her food, and now running around quite happily. She gets a little scared when I stand up or anything and move but hopefully she will get used to this soon.

She has been named 'Princess Peach' by my son, but hopefully I can get this shortened to Peach.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:56:30 AM »
I've just got my Chinchilla.

She's a little girl, and the pet shop said they've had her for two weeks, she comes straight from the breeder when they're ready to leave. She's a cutie, but they only had one available so I feel a little sorry for her. I have her cage all nice but she's not really looking around or anything. She's been home now for around two hours and is just hiding in the bottom shelf, if I go near the cage she makes noises at me.

I'm a little worried because the food and water is on the top shelf, if she doesn't move soon should I move everything down for her? I don't want to scare her.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 28, 2012, 04:36:10 AM »
Thanks again for your reply. I was planning on getting two together.

I've just got the cage up, wow that took a while. I've realised it's an all wire cage, I know some people have just put some kind of blanket down so they don't hurt their feet. Would this just be a normal blanket?

I've also ordered so that I'm not funding the pet shops tbh, Alot of my stuff is brought online. I just need to wait for all the rest of the things to come first to put in the cage and then I can go and get my new little babies!.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 28, 2012, 01:07:34 AM »
Thank you MB.

The cage I have picked out has three levels and a pull out tray, So thankfully it will be easier to clean. I was considering letting them have free reign of my lounge, since my house isn't very big. And I don't really have much stuff in there, would just be able to pull out the TV into the hall. I just have a stone fireplace which I'd rather not end up in dust lol but not sure what I'm able to cover that with?

I think that's mostly why I was looking for something to let the run around in so they don't destroy my fireplace and the skirting boards lol. My poor lounge it already suffered at the hands of my child!

I so believe I have ordered some Chewbs one or two I think, not entirely sure. I don't drive lol that's why I mainly order things. I was going to get two chins but I've read that they're better on their own, which is conflicting to other things I've read. Do you have one or two? I still haven't got them yet, just waiting for my cage and other things to arrive so I can have it all put together. One other thing, the hay do I put this around the cage? Or in a dish?

And do you by any chance know of any breeders in the Macc area? I've looked around and can't find anything near me, was hoping for Petsathome as last option.

Thanks again for your help!

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 26, 2012, 02:16:59 AM »
Thank you all for your help!

And thanks MB yeah I've seen a few toys in the pet shop and they're made of plastic. I was slightly concerned!.

It's very expensive to ship over here JMD, the prices are untrue, and the US has a lot more supplies for Chinchillas maybe they're more popular over there.

Also... MB do you have a pet enclosures for yours or do you let them run around? I've tried looking for Chinchilla pet enclosures but not been able to find anything.

Thanks again.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:27:20 AM »
Thank you very much for your answers, and thank you for the links.

I've stuck to Amazon but they don't have a great selection in the UK for toys or anything for Chinchillas. So many for rabbits and hamsters, I think they're the most common pet. As well as dogs and cats of course. Even in the pet stores here they seem to have very limited toys for the Chinchillas, that's why I ended up looking at the parrot toys.

My concern with the parrot toys is that it says they're made from
    Ideal for parrots and other large birds
    Formulated using Non Toxic colours and dyes
    100% Natural Wood

I know it says Non Toxic lol but it just confuses me with all the stuff that Chinchillas can't have.

That being said I've ordered a few boredom breakers and things, and also have ordered everything that they need in their cage. Thank you all for the help.

Q & A / Re: Toys
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:43:50 PM »

Thank you for the link,

I'm in the UK so usually the US sites don't deliver here, or charge way too much for delivery. I'm finding it hard finding any interesting toys for them.

Q & A / Toys
« on: May 24, 2012, 03:14:43 PM »
Hi I'm new here, So I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed or that its in the wrong section.

I've never had a Chinchilla before, And I'm going to be getting on within the next two weeks. I've ordered my cage, read all about them and I am currently buying things to go into the cage.
I've read somewhere to get 'bid' toys for them as they're stronger then other ones. But I'm a little concerned over the paint they use if it is or isn't safe for them. So I wanted to ask you lovely people if these kind of toys would be safe for them.

I'm looking at toys like this, and was wondering if this was OK?

And also this, I've heard mixed things about the rope. If it's allowed or not.

Again I'm sorry if it's in the wrong section. I just don't want to get them anything that may injure/harm them.

Thank you


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