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Messages - jmrothermel

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General Chat / Re: How long to watch newly acquainted chinchillas?
« on: December 29, 2006, 08:25:11 PM »
Thank you Jaime for the information, thats kind-of what I was afraid of  :(  I had thought about the castration route, but I just felt it was too risky for him.  I wouldn't mind her breeding more than once or twice, but I am one who looks to the future and I just hate to part with all the kits to homes where you don't know what might happen  :::(((  Especially after reading some horror stories about chinchilla abuse/neglect lately.  Thank you for all your advice, I will think for a little while longer when deciding what to do.

General Chat / Are Chinchillas "Out of sight out of mind?"
« on: December 29, 2006, 02:51:30 PM »
Sorry if I couldn't think of a better title, lol, but my question is if they dislike another chin, and that chin goes to a different part of the cage, will the first chin just lay down and forget that he/she just hated the other chin, or will they typically follow each other around and harass each other?  My two havent shown ANY signs of agression so far, but I wondered if they dont realize they are in the cage together half the time lol.  Here's a pic I just caught of the two of them sitting and dozing off next to each other, is this cuddling?  Would they do this if they didn't like each other?  (The male found his way to the top finally!)  I'm still going to separate them while I go away (Just in case) but is this what I'm looking for?

Please excuse the bars lol had I opened the cage to get the pic they would have jumped around and I didn't want that!

Thanks soooo much!

General Chat / Re: How long to watch newly acquainted chinchillas?
« on: December 29, 2006, 11:01:34 AM »
Thank you very much for the warm welcome, and your fast replys.  I was afraid I wouldn't know the answer before I left tommorrow, and I was panicking as to what to do.  I do have someone coming over to give them fresh water, hay, food, etc. but you are right things can happen in a second when someone isnt here all the time.  So I guess if you all don't mind, here's just one more set of questions: When I separate them while I am gone to avoid any potential problems, which do I take out (the male or the female), and when I reintroduce them are they still going to like/remember each other or could I run into potential problems?  Oops and one more thing, I’m sorry, but if he likes the bottom corner, and she likes the top corner, how do I get one to flex in their sleeping spot so they cuddle together?  I appreciate your insight and knowledge!

And to ThreeLilChins, yes I do plan on breeding them, we had chins growing up so I have knowledge on it, but I'm not looking to do it as a "full time" thing, the female is just going to have one (maybe two) litters of kits, and then I am going to separate them and probably house her with one of her female kits so she is not alone.

Thank you sooooo much!

General Chat / How long to watch newly acquainted chinchillas?
« on: December 29, 2006, 10:12:32 AM »
I have two chinchillas one which is a younger male and also one that is about a year old female.  They are both newly acquired to our family.  I put them in the same cage together, and there has not been one sign of aggression, in fact they like to groom each other and are sweet when they are around each other.  They don’t sleep together yet, the female jumps to the top shelf (her favorite spot in the cage) and the male is too little and hasn’t figured it out yet so he stays towards the bottom.  So my question is this:  They have been together for 24 hours and over night and everything is great.  I am going to keep them together the rest of today and also over night tonight.  But in the AM we leave for a 2-day vacation.  Have they been watched enough to be trusted alone?

Thanks for any help and insight.

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