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Messages - Asikovsek

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General Breeder Chat / Re: Can Someone Classify My Mutt? (=
« on: January 04, 2008, 02:03:02 AM »
I dont breed any of my chins without pedigree papers, and I especially dont suggest breeding pet store chins, there is just too many problems because you dont really know the background of the chin and even if you plan on keeping the babies and not selling them you can still risk mutation or difficulties with the female delivering, its just to risky, because you could lose your chin and no one wants to go thru that.  I always suggest going to a breeder.  There are breeders in every state and even if you have to make a little of drive atleast you can trust that the breeder has given the proper care to your future new member of your family.  there is nothing wrong with a pet store chin.  My first chin was from a pet store but he also didnt live as long as my other chins that I have received from a breeder or have breeded myself ;)

Conformation and Quality / Re: Show questions: Im new, need help.
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:53:39 AM »
Does your chin have pedigree papers?.I always bring peds to shows

Q & A / Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:48:13 AM »
sugar is not good for chins.  The plain shredded wheat here or there is ok, but I would stay with the dried fruits that don't have pit.  Rosehips are ok for chins, but you really want to stick to raisins and other dried fruit it seems to be the most gentle on chins digestive systems.  Chex and cheerios is pushing it because they still carry sugar and other ingrediants that arnt so good for chins

Q & A / Re: new treats
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:45:22 AM »
I always suggest staying along the lines of dried fruits that never had a pit.  Rosehips are ok for chins, corn is a no no tho it can cause a fungus in chinchillas.  Stay with the raisins and dried fruits they are good for the chins and seem to be more gentle on their digestive systems.

General Chat / Corn is a No NO
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:42:03 AM »
I have read some posts about people feeding their chinchillas corn.  I wanted to make my own post to warn people about corn.  Feeding your chinchillas anything with corn can cause a very bad fungus in chinchillas that if undetected could be fatal.  I just wanted to let everyone know that you should never ever feed your chinchillas corn.  :-[

Q & A / Re: CareFresh?????? Bad???
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:38:37 AM »
Please everyone never ever feed your chinchillas anything with CORN.  It can cause a fungus in chinchillas and has been known to be fatal!!  Corn is ok for hamster and other small animals, but not for chinchillas.  Also Cedar bedding is a big NO NO, very bad for chinchillas it can cause infection around their private parts and even worse if they ingest it.  Carefresh can cause extreme constipation for chinchillas if ingested not to mention there is an oil in it that if a chinchilla has a allergic reaction to can also cause big problems! very dry Pine bedding and Aspen anything that doesnt have a smell or oil to it is the best bet for chins it is also safe for the chins to chew on.  Any dried fruit that never had a pit is ok for chins to eat.  Veggies arnt good for chins and can cause the runs or even constipation stay to the fruits when giving treats to your chins, it seems to be healthier and less risky.

If chins are used to food like charlie then when they eat that food you will notice that they eat everything but the pellets out of it.  Chins love treats and will put it before a proper diet.  It will take a while for your chin to adjust to eatting pellets.  I suggest not giving any treats at all until she starts eatting the pellets.  This is because when you give her the treats then she'll think that you will give her the food that she is used to and will still refuse the pellets.  If you dont give her any treats until she adjust to the pellets then she will start eatting a proper diet and then you can give her a treat here or there.  It takes conditioning to make adjustments when it comes to changing the behavior of chinchillas and it takes a lot of time.  I wish manufacturers of that unhealthy chin food would realize it tears up a chins digestive system.  I would also try giving her live bacteria yogurt to try to fix her digestive system.  How is her poop? is it small and hard or is it rather large and healthy looking, If it is small and hard then it is crucial to try to fix her digestive system, also look at her teeth see what color they are if they are a darker orange color then she is getting enough calcium, if not if they are more white then your chin is in great need of calcium.  A cuddle bone or a half tums will help give your chin the calcium it needs.  That charlie food can be harmful to a chinchilla and you have to try to help her get healthier the best you can.  Good Luck

Q & A / Re: orange and white teeth?
« on: January 01, 2008, 09:55:27 PM »
I do the same its better to put the cuttlebone in pieces because it saves you money and is healthier for the chin.  Chins love to soil

Q & A / Re: Advice needed on determining the sex of my baby chin
« on: January 01, 2008, 09:52:40 PM »
looks like a male to me...looks like there is a space.  If the cone is not directly in front of the anus then its a boy.  If you lift up on the cone and there is a line for an opening then you have a little girl ;)

General Chat / Re: Just a bit curious...
« on: January 01, 2008, 09:44:11 PM »
I have 3 cats, 3 dogs, 25 Arican Cichlid fish, a hamster, a painted face turtle, and all my loving chins

General Chat / Re: How did you get into chinchillas?
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:30:45 PM »
I have always been intrigued by these little creatures.  I actually learned about them from my mother when I was young.  She told me about how she used to own a chinchilla, and I had no idea what one was so she took to a pet store and showed me one.  She got a book and showed me one I was so amazed, I have always been a big animal lover.  Later on when I was 9 I went to my uncles in north carolina and his wife owned one.  I was so excited I actually got to hold one.  My mom let me buy one and ever since that I have been in love and my numbers began to grow and I have been obsessed ever since :2funny:

Health / Re: I think Roo maybe!!
« on: December 29, 2007, 01:38:05 AM »
I give my chins live bacteria yogurt twice a month to keep their digestive systems in tip top shape and it works great.

Health / Re: Eye problems
« on: December 29, 2007, 01:33:35 AM »
Tea bags are what I have used when one of my chin would get an eye problem.  A warm rung out tea bag really works wonders believe it or not.  I will hold it on their eye for a few minutes then put a few drops of saline solution in it until I could get them to the vet.  Hope this helps ;)

Q & A / Re: Wheels
« on: December 29, 2007, 01:27:59 AM »
Thats the nice thing about pedigrees.  I wont really buy or sell any chins that dont have one, they make me feel better knowing their exact age and their gene history, it makes breeding them better also knowing what they are carriers of.

Q & A / Re: Chins and cats
« on: December 29, 2007, 01:24:09 AM »
My cats are declawed so i dont make that big of a fuss with them around my chins they are so used to them because there is so many they just relax with them.  My one chin chubs loves chirping at the cats to get their attention and will give them chinny kisses thru the cage. ;)

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