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The Leap-N-Ledge is a lofty look-out perch that easily attaches to the side of any wire home. Be sure to supply your pet with several Leap-N-Ledges because Chinchillas and Sugar Gliders especially love to hop from one ledge to the other. Leap-N-Ledges are made of all natural, untreated wood creating a perfect spot for your pets necessary chewing activities. Measures 6.5L x 3.5W. For Pet Rats, Chinchillas, Unusual Pets.





Cindy,I love Belle Inspiration! I have read it from cover to cover!I did the article on the Picnic and Ladew Garden!Mimi Bleu relaly hit a home run with this magazine! I can't wait for the next issue!Thanks for highlighting my photos! YOu are a dear!Yvonne


My chinchillas love it.

P.S. Get the biger ones :-D

-Kathryn Pasino

I got the leap-n-ledge attached to the cage with out any trouble, but it couldn't support the weight of my chin w/o dumping her on the floor. The wire bars just twisted inward as soon as there was any weight on it.


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Chinchilla Product Reviews