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Chinnie Gift Basket Kit

Do you have a chin who has been very very good and who deserves an extra-special treat? If so, here is our Chinnie Gift Basket Kit that lets you create the perfect mix of goodies bound to make any chin a happy chin. We start with an edible little 2 1/2 x 2 willow basket. To fill the basket, we give you a bit of timothy hay, some apple tree twigs, a Vitakraft Alfalfa Slim stick, a small packet of rose hips, a small packet of dried papaya cubes, a small packet a dried apple pieces, and a small packet of Vitakraft Nibble Rings.
Have you ever seen a chin smile?

My girls loved their baskets. Shipping took a little while, but it was well worth it. The girls especially loved chewing the basket, and the apple sticks.


Wednesday 3/1/2006 6:14 pm

My guys loved every bit of this, especially the edible basket!


Friday 1/27/2006 1:33 pm

Cute! Cherri may get one for her birthday next year ;)


Tuesday 11/30/2004 8:01 pm

I really like this gift basket because it gives your chin a variety of treats. My chin seems to get bored with the same treat week after week, so this is perfect!


Saturday 11/27/2004 8:48 pm

It sounds like a great idea, but new owners should be careful not to feed their chins all of those treats at once, they should be fed limited amounts each day.


Tuesday 1/20/2004 11:08 pm

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Chinchilla Product Reviews