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Adding a heaping teaspoon full to a cup of dust bath will prevent fur fungus and treat mild cases.

I was unable to find any topicals to use on my one chin who had ringworm right around his eye. The tinactin in the dust helped prevent it from spreading to my other chin, and kept it from getting worse on the one who did have the ringworm.


Tuesday 11/7/2006 5:45 pm

I know it is good to control fungus, but I put a small amount of Tinactin in my chin's dust bath and it made his eye very weepy and misserable to deal with. I had to take him to the vets and he had to have drops three times a day. It may not do this to all chins, but for my chin, it was not a good experience.


Monday 9/29/2003 3:03 pm

Mostly prevented fungus when sprinkled in our dust bath, one of our chins still lost fur during the wetter, monthes, but we applied it directly to her skin and it cleared up.


Wednesday 6/11/2003 9:48 pm

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Chinchilla Product Reviews