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Vitakraft Chinchilla Cocktail

Chinchilla Cocktail is a mixture of rose hips, carob, potatoes, corn meal, mountain ash berries and alfalfa.

Made in Germany, each box contains 50 grams of Chinchilla Cocktail.

my chinchilla loves these!
i only give him one a day through..too much sugar


Thursday 5/26/2011 6:00 pm

All that dried fruit is terrible for a Chin and can send them into a diabetic coma from the concentrated sugar. Rosehips by themselves however are a wonderful treat for Chins.


Sunday 1/24/2010 10:47 pm

my chinchilla liked half of the berries inside this box. he didnt seem to like the green ones at all. he threw them back at me


Monday 7/2/2007 8:20 pm

Some of my chinchillas liked it and other didn't


Saturday 5/19/2007 7:47 pm

vitakraft is very bad for a chinchilla's digestive system!!!


Wednesday 4/12/2006 6:54 pm

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Chinchilla Product Reviews