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Chinchillas (Complete Pet Owner's Manuals)

Learn all about these South American rodents with their thick fur coats and captivating personalities.

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Mon Oct 1 14:21:20 2012

I HATE this book. I bought it when I took home my chin. It put the fear of God in me, that my baby was so fragile. Poor information, misinformation & misleading. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK!!! By the way, Gohan (my baby) is 5yrs old and fine, no thanks to this book.


Fri Mar 10 12:51:33 2006

I bought this book, and thankfully I researched online as well, before getting my first chin. It was so full of misinformation.


Wed Mar 1 15:24:14 2006

I selected one star, because you couldn't go lower. I flipped through it in a pet store and just about died laughing. I thought it was pitiful. No wonder so many people who buy their chins at pet stores are misinformed.


Fri Sep 9 18:22:37 2005

I have read the book and I think it gives completely wrong information, a new chin owner would be better of just talking to a breeder.


Wed Jul 20 13:28:50 2005

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Chinchilla Product Reviews