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Author: Dawnna
Chocolate Chinchillas

Earning your Chin's Trust

One of the biggest warnings I give my new customers, is that a chinchillas trust and love must be earned. They are not like a dog who will love you unconditionally the moment you meet. I would say this is one of the most difficult aspects of Pet chinchilla ownership. It takes extreme patience, kindness, and compassion to be loved by a chinchilla. Allow yourself to learn from them, put yourself in their shoes, and enjoy the bond that begins to develop. A chinchilla WANTS to be your friend and he will be if you let him. One of the greatest gifts, and perhaps the most flattering, is the true love that a chinchilla can give. So, be patient, be kind, be gentle, and take your time~ You will end up with a wonderful award that is a chinchillas love.

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