I just got 5 new arrivals in and I'm wondering if anyone can help me name some of them! I try to stick with characters from movies. I have a male, and 2 females without names still. Though they won't all be housed together I like naming them in "groups" so it makes more since lol! any suggestions? The three names should all come from the same movie.
I'm done letting my fiance do it....I end up with names from what I condisider dumb movies lol.....Austin Powers and The Nutty Professor......**sigh**
Here are names I already have for some of my chins:
Mojo (Wilson White) & Foxy Cleopatra (Standard) (I've had 4 years)
Sherman (Mosiac) & Ms. Perdy (Black Velvet) (I've had 2 years)
Tarzan (Black Velvet) & Jane (Wilson White) (NEW)
beige male, ebony female and dark standard (NEW)
Thanks for your input!