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Messages - Mina

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Re: Reading to your Chinchillas
« on: August 31, 2010, 06:18:48 PM »
I haven't tried it with Pippin, but I do have conversations with him.  I used to read to my parrot when he was young, and use  his name for the main characters name, he loved it.  I should try it with Pippin as well and see if he likes it.

General Chat / Re: My first week of being owned by Pippin
« on: August 26, 2010, 04:58:31 PM »
Thank you!  Yes, I think he is very smart.  He now begs shamelessly for cherrios from any passing human, my husband fed him some last night and he accepted those too.  I have him on a limit of 4 a day but I think his dad sneaks some to him.  He still isn't ready to be touched, but he did, instead of running as usual, watch me give him his hay last night from close by.

General Chat / Re: My first week of being owned by Pippin
« on: August 22, 2010, 10:50:14 PM »
We have made some progress!  I started offering him long bits of hay though the cage bars which he accepted, then I got him to accept cheerios from my fingers (still between the cage bars).  Tonight I gave him a couple of cheerios and he made it clear he wanted more so I decided he would have to work for his last one.  I opened his lower door and put my arm in his house and held a cheerio out to him, and he took it from my fingers!  Tomorrow night after we break the ice with a few cheerios I'm going to try some oats in my palm and see if he is ready to actually come to my open hand.

General Chat / Re: First Time Owner LOVES everything about her chin
« on: August 22, 2010, 10:45:29 PM »
That is wonderful, congratulations!!!

General Chat / My first week of being owned by Pippin
« on: August 16, 2010, 11:15:12 AM »
The first night, he was, of course, terrified of all of the strange new things.  He had relaxed some by the following day and has continued to relax and is now bouncing around his cage at night, digging in his kleenex box (which for some reason he has decided to poop in) and chewing on his toys.  He is eating and drinking well.
Now he will come to the bars of his cage and listen carefully when I talk to him, he won't allow me to touch him yet, but when I changed his water bottle last night he came down from his shelf to watch me very intently.  He will come right up to me and rest his front foot on the wire, and I can put my finger within a half inch of him, but no more.
He acts like he wants to be friends and he wants me to pay attention to him, but I think he still has a few trust issues.  Is there anything else I can do other than continue to talk to him?  He just turned 2 months old so I can't offer treats yet, isn't that correct?

General Chat / Re: Finally picked a name!
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:59:12 PM »
PopNFresh? Oh, my that is to cute!!!

General Chat / Re: Finally picked a name!
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:37:33 AM »
Thank you, I think he likes his new name too.

Guestbook / Re: Hi, I'm new here!
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:36:33 AM »
Yes, Igor had a bad past but you couldn't tell it now, he is a total love sponge.
We named the little chin Pippin, and he is already relaxing and doing much better.  He stopped barking all of the time and is investigating his home.   He will come right to the wires and let me talk with him, but I'm not allowed to attempt to touch him yet.  Now if something startles him or he hears a new noise, if I go and talk quietly to him, he stops barking and listens to me.  He seems to want me to pay attention to him, but he dictates how.
He is 2 months old today, so I gave him a nice long piece of hay (since if I understand correctly he is to young yet for treats) and told him happy birthday and how much I love him, and how cute he is and how happy I am that he has come to be my friend.  He listened very carefully, and then went back to repositioning his kleenex box, which is his favorite thing to do.
We will be friends eventually.  He needs time and I'm more than willing to let him do things at his comfort level.  He has already, in my opinion, showed me he wants to be friends.

General Chat / Finally picked a name!
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:20:46 PM »
My husband and I were sitting tonight and admiring our new little boy running through names, none seemed right until my husband suggested Pip.  I said no, not Pip, but Pippin.  It sounds cute, but still full of energy.

Guestbook / Re: Hi, I'm new here!
« on: August 09, 2010, 01:48:55 PM »
Not many people do understand or like my tarantulas and snakes, except the people on the tarantula and snake boards I'm on as well.
As far as my 3 legged dog, he is a pit bull and was born as he is, he does actually have a "stump" that is a twisted in leg the shape of a triangle, he can move it from the shoulder but not the other joints which are frozen in place.  His name is Igor and he was rescued from being a bait dog (one that dog fighters use to train dogs to fight) and then abandoned, so we adopted him.  He is a wonderful dog, very sweet and loving.
The new little boy chin is settling in.  He had a rough first night, he kept me up all night barking every 5 minutes.  He did much better yesterday and I found him in his food dish yesterday afternoon.  He has started exploring his home and appears to have eaten a good deal of the hay I gave him overnight.  I'm sure he is still very scared and unsure of his surroundings.  He will be 2 months old on August 11.  I was told that out of all of the babies currently available he was the most energetic and hyper.  I thought that would probably add to his unsettling feelings about his new home, so I'm making a point of letting him make his own schedule.  He will let me know when he has settled in well enough for us to start being friends.  Still no name yet, any suggestions?

Guestbook / Hi, I'm new here!
« on: August 08, 2010, 09:20:51 AM »
Hello, my name is Mina and I'm new to your board, but not to being owned by a chin.  I had a beautiful, sweet and loving female that I was told was a "light ebony" as a pet for 17 years. 
I have many pets and I raise, breed and sell snakes and tarantulas.  Recently at the all pet expo I go to.  A lady there, who breeds and sells chins that I had been admiring for a long time, asked me if I had any issues with disabled pets.  I don't, I've had many, and currently have a 3 legged dog.
She had a disabled chin, a little boy, who like my former girl was also "light ebony".  He had become stuck in the birth canal and Mom reached down to pull him out and bit off his front foot and part of the front leg.  She had been concerned but the wound healed well and he had no problems getting around. 
She didn't feel right about selling him because of his disability, but gave him to me.
I'm thrilled to have a chin again, but my girl was almost a year old when I got her and this sweet baby is not even 2 months yet.  I'm sure I'll have lots of baby questions!!!!!

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