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Messages - heiwa

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
2 female 1 male is no good at all, one of the female will become very dominant.

Many people have trios with out any problems,seems a pretty common practice.
My first attempt was with a mother & daughter and a new mate. But when Mom gave birth she wanted the older daughter out.
I have a trio together now and am waiting to see. The newest female to the pairing is pregnant. The older seems to have stopped breeding so I'm hoping having kits around her will coax her into something. ;)
From what I know you can put as many females with one male as you can get together.
There are people colony breeders. ::nod::

Yes, it's true, one male with more than one female can go well.
But maybe it's is the cultural concept at myside, something we concern a lots or even too much, that's the reason why I would like to know how is your practice!

For example, other than the bonding question within the chins group, we also concern about the eating habbit of our chins after bonding. Let's say 1 chin eating very fast on pellets while the other eat very slow, what we do is separate them to feed and put them back together after the slower chin finish, while I think that yourside is feed on a quite free choice basis on pellets.

I think all the discussion is a learning chance, and a good experience sharing for me!!

As the upper post metion, it doesn't work for this combination.
You can have 2 choice actually - 2 pairs in 2 cages if you want to breed or separate 2 cages according to gender.

In most case, females go well together after they are well bonding and seldom fight afterwards.
Males are even easiler to introduce, but when they being in the "sex season", they may fight. But still, so many cases males can go very well together.

2 male 1 female is the most dangerous combination, the males is most probable become aggessive to each other when they have "needs".
2 female 1 male is no good at all, one of the female will become very dominant.
2 male 2 female together, in their mind they would not recongise only one sex partner, if the males is attracted by the same female in the same time, it may end up by conflict.

So, let's act immediately to avoid any problem arise!!
Hope you can enjoy the fun of owning chinchillas!!

Q & A / Re: changing hay
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:36:47 PM »
i'v never heard of that brand
Check it out for the Timothy hay, they have separte into 1st cut and 2nd cut, which upto the favourite of your chins.
It seems the price of their hay in U.S. is close to Oxbow.
In my place, this is always the last resort for picky chins, because it's much expensive compare to Oxbow.

Q & A / Re: changing hay
« on: May 27, 2010, 02:22:27 PM »
I was wonder why you guys don't mention about APD??
Can you guys get APD hay easily in your place? I think APD is the hay that with best quality.
Most chins would love it.

Health / Re: What suppliments do you make/use?
« on: May 27, 2010, 01:54:39 PM »
Wow 1 tsp of pellets seems very small!  My guys get a scoop a day each (about a hand-full).  They get 1/2 tsp of supplement and I keep hay cubes in there as well.  I'm thinking of adding Calf Manna to supplement for my nursing moms.  I am getting a lot of triplets born and I think it will help with its added calcium.

I have a question, you mean about 1 hand full per chin?? By doing this, do you chin consumpt very less grass hay, as they may already fill up. I think that's the difference of feeding preference between a breeder from a pet owner.

Health / Re: What suppliments do you make/use?
« on: May 27, 2010, 01:44:15 PM »
Sorry, I make a mistake, I mean one table spoon, it's our normal practice in our city, and it's also the recommended amount by our local vet!
And I haven't introduce where I am from, I am from Hong Kong, which is a really small city!!

Health / Re: What suppliments do you make/use?
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:42:22 PM »
For sunflower seed, I think it is not recommended to give too much to your chins, I never give sunflower seed to my chins as well, but some people said that because sunflower seed contains omega 3 which can make the fur of the chins become shiny and rich. Oat is fine, but also keep in mind that it is not their main meal so I think it should feed like a treats only.

For my chins, their regular meal is 1 tps of mazuri pellets and unlimited timothy hay per day. For supplement, I feed nutri-cal(which is a paste form supplement)  twice a week, a little bit of alfalfa once a week, and a mixture of Calf Manna with their daily pellets by occasion, that is..... Normally, a healthy chins didn't require much supplement!

I am not from the States or Canada, and just want to share some experience here with you guys, cheers!!

Q & A / Re: sharp nails?
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:04:58 PM »
You can place a large piece of mineral stone / lava stone in the cage (the stone that use to wear off the teeth), and you can see they will claw on the stone and it may getting better in most case!!

Q & A / Re: wood chips as bedding?
« on: May 27, 2010, 11:57:14 AM »
I also heard that smell release by cedar after pee is harmful for chins!! Pine wood chips is fine!!
I use carefresh and a cat litter call feline fresh as bedding!!
Actually in my city, we used to train our chins using a small triangle toilet to save bedding, does it also a common practice in the States or in Canada?? Or normally you guys place bedding at  the whole base of the cage??

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