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Messages - smokie

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Q & A / Re: chinchilla eye colour
« on: April 06, 2010, 12:34:18 PM »
How interesing, yes, had a good look there and i think she is homo beige, her eye do have a blue-ish ring but also the black flecks.  i must get a photo so you can see what i mean!

Q & A / sexing chinchillas
« on: April 04, 2010, 01:26:51 PM »
i've been looking and comparing to pictures online but am beginning to suspect my 'girl' chinchilla might be a boy.  i got her from a breeder (who ought to know?) when she was 3/4mths old and was told she was a girl.  now i've just got another female chinchilla she keeps trying to mount her! is this definite boy behaviour?  they have been getting on very well!

Q & A / chinchilla eye colour
« on: April 04, 2010, 12:19:14 PM »
My new chinchilla is a beige of sorts and has quite striking eyes, they are red with loads of black flecks through them.  Has anyone seen this before?  Does it indicate anything towards her genetics?  I don't know anything about her parentage but she looks like a hetero beige...

Q & A / Re: Chin buddy
« on: April 04, 2010, 11:53:35 AM »
i have to report that my two chinchillas absolutely LOVE each other!  even better, my new chinchilla has become very tame very quickly by following the example of the other chinchilla.  i believe the ultimate cute breakthrough was the new chinchilla refused treats through the bars (i kept offering she kept refusing) then one day (in a hurry) i gave my other chinchilla a treat, was rushing out the door, then heard the new chinchilla calling me.  she wanted a treat too! 
i've had her two weeks now and seriously doubt she'd ever been handled previously but last night i had the pair of them jumping around my bed and on me. 
interestingly, the other one has suddenly become a lot tamer too and hey both enjoy a 'scratch' on their chin :)

Q & A / Re: my chinchilla was barking/screaming for nothing?
« on: April 04, 2010, 11:49:17 AM »
make sure your room isn't too warm as that can cause them to sleep on their side and pant.  as for the barking, my new one did it when i first got her but has stopped now.  i'm wondering if there's something at night time distressing her, is there any sort of sound that isn't usually in the house, something high frequency like a lamp or rodent repeller or something?  sometimes people have these in their houses to keep mice/rats away.  or a house alarm setting round the window sills in case people try to break in there?  maybe she's just lonely?  you're asleep and she's alone?

Q & A / Re: hes peeing(?) on his hay, how do i make him stop?
« on: March 27, 2010, 09:08:37 AM »
i've got a 'hayrack' for my chinchillas.  you get them at the pet store and are hung inside the cage.  that way the chin. pulls downs the hay as he eats it.
as for the diarrhoea type pee, i don't know!  definitely do some internet research and maybe give the vet a call.  most vets are happy to offer advice over the phone (free!)

Q & A / Re: i need your opinion on this pls =[ its making me sad
« on: March 27, 2010, 08:59:54 AM »
There's definitely nothing wrong with keeping them in a cage... it's for safety but it's also their space!  When my chin wants out (round my room) I let her out and I always let her return to her cage of her own accord.  This works well and takes away any guilt about keeping her in one.  Every evening she's out for a few hours then she always go back into her cage (i leave the door open).  As I never go into her cage, I don't stick my hand/arm in there or anything, I think she likes to know it's her person-free space.  I imagine without it, she'd be very unhappy!

A big cage is a must though so that it's like hanging out in their 'mansion' for them, lots of food and water etc.  also, i've got these fleece-line tunnel beds that hang from the roof of the cage and she loves sleeping in this.  :)

Last thing, when she goes back into her cage I always give her a treat.  SHe likes to have that then go to sleep!

Q & A / Re: Why a chinchilla?
« on: March 25, 2010, 12:37:26 PM »
I think if anyone is wondering WHY get a chinchilla then definitely don't get one!  I absolutely LOVE my chinchilla for her naughtiness more than anything; if she isn't allowed somewhere it's the only place she wants to go and no matter how hard I try, she gets there (!); also her ability to eat through shoes, handbags, wires without me even noticing as well as having carefully placed them in places she shouldn't be able to reach (think hit and run they're that fast). 
I keep reading that they are clean etc etc and while THEY are clean this is only true because they throw out poops, hays and pee :( and whenever they have their dust bath (every day/every other day) they get that everywhere.  Mine, I'm sure, deliberately dabbles in her bath before proceding to spread it across the floor.
On the cute side, mine was seriously pleased when I returned from holiday and she does this cute thing where she rests her paw on my finger.  SHe doesn't do cuddles but she does sit on my knee and likes to sit on my belly when I'm in bed.

Since getting my chinchilla I don't think people should be allowed chinchillas unless they have loads of time to spend with them every evening.  Mine is out for hours and I even go home at lunchtime to let her out.  The idea of keeping them in all the time would be like keeping a kangeroo in the bathroom!

Q & A / Re: How do I entertain her?
« on: March 25, 2010, 12:30:08 PM »
My chinchilla is in my bedroom and her absolute favourite thing to do (except for chewing wires, handbags and shoes) is to come under the covers!  She totally loves it.  If you take a blanket into the bathroom and put it over your knees she'll have a grand old time and you can read a book in warmth :) 
Incidentally, my chinchilla has already had fun chewing the bristles on my toothbrush :( so beware!

Q & A / Re: Chin buddy
« on: March 25, 2010, 12:27:02 PM »
Hi!  I actually got a non pregnant (!) female adult in the end.  She is very timid but following the example of my current chinchilla, is now accepting treats through the bars.  I have high hopes of them being friends judging by the interest shown in each other and the sounds through the night!

Thanks for the feedback!

Q & A / Chin buddy
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:08:14 PM »
Hi, I've got a 5/6mth female chinchilla that I got in mid jan and am now planning on getting her a female buddy.  I'm thinking of getting one from a breeder (aged 3 and half years) who has said she may/may not be pregnant.  Now I'd be happy to pay any necessary vets bills etc this may incur and as she's had babies before there's less likely to be probs.  However, although I'll have two cages i'd like to keep both chins together (after the intro period) and then, IF there is, the baby.  What's people's thoughts on this?  Is the new chin going to be a hormonal female that is going to give my much cherished chin a lot of trouble or given lots of time and careful observation this could work out?  The cage I have could easily occupy three.
I'd certainly appreciate advice on this.
ps in case you are thinking, duuuuh just get a baby/definitely non pregnant chin, the reason I'd still like to go ahead is I'd like the experience of raising of a baby although i wouldn't want to go down the breeding line generally (ie i wouldn't mate a pair deliberately).

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