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Messages - heiwa

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Cages / Re: Cage Thread
« on: July 29, 2010, 11:50:30 AM »
That's my cages!!

Health / Re: Hair ring fail.
« on: July 29, 2010, 11:14:54 AM »
You do it by yourself or someone is helping??

I think done the hair ring check by two people is better than only one people.
That's one holding the chin and the other one do the checking.
The main point Courtney had already mention, just one more advice is when the penis slowly shift back into the sheath, make sure the surrounding fur should not have rolled in together with the penis.

P.S. Hair ring checking is essential for a male chin, especially when the chin have a female cagemate. Don't be affraid of such checking, practice make perfect!!

General Breeder Chat / Re: colours
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:22:12 PM »
Hope to know the answer!!

Do you know your pink white is a homo or hetero??
If your pink white is a homo, that's the chance fall into 50% beige and 50% pink white!!

Q & A / Re: Diet?
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:12:47 PM »
As previous mention, timothy hay should be unlimited offer, other than it helps wear off the teeth, it also provide fiber needs for the chins digistive system.
And I saw that the Kaytee pellets that you are feeding is a timothy base pellets, normally we feed our chins on Alfalfa base pellets, I would suggest Mazuri or Oxbow, both have very good comments within chin owners, and I saw some chin owners said that Tradition is good and great value as well, I have no idea on this because the place I live don't offer this!!

Health / Re: Question about Calcium and Vitamin C
« on: July 26, 2010, 12:43:15 PM »
Yes to the best of my knowledge a good balanced diet should be all they need,for most of them that's true.
Just like us no 2 are created equal, so some may need a little extra now and then. Weather it be from an illness or injury, to stress or pregnancy, some will need a boost.
For those that breed or have multiples it's just as well to treat them all with a little extra. Once you've seen one go through teeth problems you tend to be a little over protective.
Just remember too much is no good either.I work it out by weight with what ever the directions are on the bottles.

Thanks Debbie again, the way now I am using to against calcium deficiency is feed on Animax Pellets by the ratio 1 : 5 regluar pellets (I don't know rather your side have this or not, it's something like the Calf Manna), it works good and normally the teeth can get back to orange in colour by around 1 to 2 months.

Once again, for Vit-C, do you think that feeding some Rose Hip as snacks can help?? I saw quite a lot of pet owners agree that Rose Hip can provide some Vit-C to Chins.

Health / Re: Question about Oat meal
« on: July 26, 2010, 12:35:25 PM »
I usually buy  mine by the month, so some months they get shedded wheat, others cheerios etc.....
One of my chins will only eat oatmeal. :doh: She's 15 so I give her her own way. ;)
They all get a tiny piece of fruit and a pinch of cereal every night.
Looks like a lot when you have 4-5 chins  in the one cage, but they all manage to get their share.

Thanks, Debbie!!
As you know I am not in the same country as you are, can you pls provide me exactly the brand and style of oat that you are using for reference? So that I may seach it out rather it offer in our local supermarket or not!!
Same as you, I also agree that the way when feeding somethings that are out of their regular diet should be base on a period by period basis, but not all the times, thanks in advance!!

Health / Re: Question about Calcium and Vitamin C
« on: July 16, 2010, 12:29:07 PM »
 thanks all, when my chin is facing calcium deficiency, I also feed with mixture of Animax pellets with the regular pellets, it helps!! Next time when in need, maybe I will also try cuttle fish bone.

But on the other hand, anyone have idea on the main cause of "muscle calcification"??

Health / Re: Question about Oat meal
« on: July 16, 2010, 11:25:48 AM »
you are welcome, glad i could help

i actually haven't feed mine oats in awhile because i ran out.. but when i did, i did it here and there, but only because i have many types of treats so i tend to switch every day...

you can use oats every day for a treat, just don't give them a large amount...


Thanks Jean, I just give for a add on basis by occasion, thanks for your suggestion!!

Health / Re: Question about Oat meal
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:00:34 PM »
thanks jmdebb, that's exactly what I feed my chins occassionally!!

So you are feeding oat daily or just by occassion??

Health / Question about Oat meal
« on: July 12, 2010, 04:51:26 PM »
I saw quite a lot of breeders in here saying that oat meal is good for chins especially for growing kits.

In my country, there is not much information about what is exactly an "oat meal".
May I know what is the oat meal you guys is saying in specific?

Health / Question about Calcium and Vitamin C
« on: July 12, 2010, 04:44:57 PM »
All we know the chins teeth should be orange in color, but sometimes you may discover that the teeth is turning to light yellow or even white, it is the sign of calcium deficiency. The question is, what is the best way to against calcium deficiency? Normally, how you guys to recover your chin from calcium deficiency? Why I ask about this is because I read some cases of our local chins are dead because of "muscle calcification", so I would like to know the safest way to provide calcium for chins.

On the other hand, there are more and more articles point out vit-c is good for the chin's teeth gum, anyone can share some opinions on this topic??

thanks in advance!!

heiwa - i'm on the isle of man and get my flying saucers from - they are the uk supplier of these but they ship worldwide. you could email them to ask how much the postage would be?

Thanks for your information, I will take a look!!

Another question, I owned 4 chins, but only one of them like playing wheel. How you guys think about how is the percentage for a chin enjoy playing saucer??

Q & A / Re: first dust bath
« on: July 11, 2010, 09:11:10 AM »
No worry, times will make them know about this!!

Q & A / Re: Blue cloud or blue sparlke
« on: July 11, 2010, 09:09:07 AM »
I have no idea on Blue Sparlke because the place that I live don't offer this brand. But I use Blue cloud for long time, the dust is very fine and it really make the chin fur look rich, the only problem is it make very home very dusty!!

Health / Re: small genitals
« on: June 28, 2010, 03:26:40 PM »
It isn't common which is why I thought it was just a full tummy.  Just like humans, chinchillas can be born with all sorts of birth defects.

Thanks, but breeding is really a serious topic to consider.

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