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Messages - BambiLove

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Q & A / Re: His coat is starting to look tattered
« on: October 26, 2010, 11:29:46 PM »
I think a lice comb won't get into his fur because the teeth are too close. Just use whatever you have that can actually go under his fur. It will works but becareful to not hurt his skin. You can get the comb at pet store, but don't buy brush with plastic teeth, I bought 1 of those and it doesn't work at all.
And for horse treat, the only safe one are Mrs. Pasture's Cookie and Apple Pellet Treats (i'm not sure if the apple treat you have is the same kind). But you can't go wrong with Mrs.Pasture's cookie, there is only one kind and chins love them. I would give half of it for one day. Not all horse treats are safe for chinchilla.

Q & A / Re: Proper way to pick up a chinchilla?
« on: October 26, 2010, 11:12:21 PM »
I've heard this, but im NO expert, it just makes sense to me: slowly scoop them up from under so they can put their feet on your hands and get a steady bearing while you're slowly and gently bringing your hands together under them and lift.

hehe i wish my chinchilla would stay in one place for me to slowly pick him up, i always have to grab him fast before he run away.

Q & A / Re: Proper way to pick up a chinchilla?
« on: October 26, 2010, 06:20:47 PM »
When I adopted my chinchilla, the person there told me to put 1 hand on his stomach (more toward his front feet, not right on the stomach) and 1 hand under his butt, so that he has something to sit on  ;)

Q & A / Re: His coat is starting to look tattered
« on: October 26, 2010, 06:18:08 PM »
Oh, 1 more thing. The way I told you is how to brush an adult chinchilla, if your chinchilla is a baby then I don't know. I'm not sure if baby chinchilla need to be brushed.

Q & A / Re: His coat is starting to look tattered
« on: October 26, 2010, 06:14:49 PM »
Ohh i thought you were giving him 2 tablespoon at night and he has no food during the day, but if he doesn't finish his 2 tablespoon in his cage for the whole day then i guess it's fine.
The way that you brush your chinchilla is you hold him by his tail. Hold the part that's closest to his body (almost between the body and tail), if you hold it too far away he can try to run and his tail can break off. Use a special brush for chinchilla and brush it from bottom to top (tail to ears), the opposite way of the hair growth. After you're done, use your hands to pet him from ears to tail to remove all the left over hairs. For the stomach you can't hold him by his tail. There isn't much to brush on his stomach anyways, i always skip that part.
Oh and when you're holding his tail, let his feet touch the ground, don't take him completely off the ground. When my boy try to run, I would just lift his tail up so his 2 feet in the back can't touch the ground so he can't run, and then I would put it down when he stop trying to run. Hope this help!

Q & A / Re: Sand as Bedding
« on: October 25, 2010, 07:04:42 PM »
I agree with both before me. My chin will always dust bathe if i put something that looks like dust/sand in his cage, and if your chin does the same, the sand might get in his eyes, and sand will ruin his fur. You can try carefresh, it's made out of recycle paper/fiber so fly can't breed there.

Q & A / Re: Vegetables and treats?
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:59:53 PM »
Do not give them any vegetable, all the ones you listed, absolutely not. Pumkin seed is just like nuts, it contain oil and fat which chinchilla can't digest very well. And i think when people say vegetable treats, i think they mean the one in the bags that are sold at pet store...yea they can eat it as a treat, but it's unhealthy.
There are tons of other safe treats out there, and they are easy to get. So basically, do not give your chin anything else except treats that are on the safe list

Q & A / Re: Brand name TUMS? still safe?
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:51:12 PM »
no. it is NOT A VERY GOOD idea to give your chin extra calcium when he is completely healthy with yellow teeth. Extra calcium and minerals is good for us, but it can kill your chinchilla. I would not recommend giving him calcium unless he needs it. Those extra calcium that they sell at pet store is for when your chin is pregnant, nursing mom or white teeth. Here is a website that tell you how you should not give your chin extra calcium or mineral. It's at the bottom of the page.

Q & A / Re: His coat is starting to look tattered
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:40:44 PM »
You need to give him more food, 2 tablespoon a night is not enough. There should always be food in his cage so that he can eat all he wants. Don't worry he's not going to die from eating too much. You shouldn't give him dandilion leaves, it's not very popular among treats so i infer that it's not as safe. And all the treats that you are giving him, give him at most once a day. If you are using treats to train him, i recommend using rolled oats, the plain one. Chinchilla digest oat better than the other treats, and oat is small so you can give him a lot throughout the day instead of one big treat.

And about his fur, how often do you let him take bath? He should be taking dust bath 2-4 times a week. Dust bath is important to keep his fur healthy, shiny and smooth. That's the only reason i could think of for his fur problem, or it could be that he is priming like starleomach said, just use a brush to brush him off.

New Births / Re: What color are they?
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:43:03 PM »
aww they are so cute! congratz

Other Pets / Re: My babies
« on: October 08, 2010, 07:31:30 PM »
aww they are so cute! what happened to rocky's eye? =[

Q & A / Re: cage size for two chinchillas?
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:46:04 AM »
You might want to get a spare cage in case the chin that you're going to get doesn't get along well with the one you already have. Some will have serious problem with bonding. They might fight and it can lead to death.

Q & A / making sounds?
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:40:58 AM »
hi guys. Today, i've noticed that my chinchilla Bambi make sounds when he run. It happened a few times before but i didn't think it was anything serious, but i'm just asking to make sure. When i let him out to play, he would run around, and when he run, he would make this very soft sound, i have to be close to him in order to hear it. It seems like that he make that sound everytime he lift his feet in the back. So is there anything wrong with him? Do you know what does it mean when he make that sound?

Health / Re: Blackberrry stalks
« on: October 07, 2010, 11:01:40 PM »
i dont think you should give chinchilla any wood that are listed on the safe list, it can kill him.

Health / Re: Is this a good food brand?
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:34:23 PM »
the pellets have sun seed in it, so your chinchilla would probably dig them out and eat them. I would say stay away from pellets that have treats in it. I don't know if this is a good brand or not, but i've never heard anyone recommend it. Mazuri and Oxbow are the most popular brands. If you are changing the brand, remember to do it slowly so it doesnt upset your chinchilla's stomach! This is really important. Sorry if you know this already  :) just making sure because i had no idea about this until someone tell me =]

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