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Topics - Dobey Snuggles

Pages: [1]
News / Is sunflower seed bad / hurt for* chinchilla
« on: August 05, 2014, 09:31:56 PM »
I am just asking because , my mom came in my bedroom and cheek up on me and she had a handful of "Sunflower seed " and she give Dobey 3 or 5. Can any one please me ASAP please when someone sees this quote bad thank you :) 

Guestbook / i had my chinchilla for over 2 years or more
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:18:32 PM »
I love Dobey so much . But some times he is a pain in the neck. what he does that makes me so mad, is when I leave my bedroom his always chewing my dressers and books that he can reach. but I sure do love him like a little brother. He also learned a new trick "when I was on my bed while on the phone (Facebook) he just jumped on my bed and I was so happy ". My favorite part about chinchillas are that they make cute little barking sound at night. plus the sand baths NOW that is cute and when they stop they always wipe there little cute noise . plus he his a dark gray like normal chinchilla .  But the different between my chinchilla that it had red eyes now that is  so rear to have a chinchilla with red because the chinchillas that eye see online or in pet shops in the city that  have black eyes. But now I have to say that my favorite pet is a chinchilla because they have very great jumping abilities / climbing . and the amazing part is that there teeth grow and grow as when they get older. Oh and can not forget the adorable supper soft fur its even softer then a cute little bunny's and cats. chinchillas always love the hot weather and I do to :) , there are half chinchilla and half square, there tail is so different then any other tail so cool . For now on I am going to try to put blogs every night . About me and my little  baby Dobey .                       

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