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Topics - AmberrlynnX3

Pages: [1]
Q & A / Dust bath manitance
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:28:34 PM »
I have a quick question regarding dust baths;

How often do you clean the actual bath house? And what methods of cleaning it are recommended?Also, should I empty and replace the dust per use or let it be used til it's almost gone? (I've only had him 4 days and he's taken 2 baths; I clean out the poops but haven't switched the dust yet)

I know they're silly questions, but I can't find any info on how or when too clean it.

Thanks !

Q & A / New chin parent
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:58:34 AM »
After months of wishing, it finally happened; I got my first chinchilla on the 9th and I'm in love!
He's a little two month old ebony, who was born and raised at a pet store with caring employees,
So he's very social and adapting. I did a lot of research before getting him and got all the proper necessities so I do know the basics, but I'm overly concerned and cautious with my new baby so I do have a few questions ;
Firstly, how often do chins pee? He's been eating, pooping and drinking just fine but he hasn't peed since his first hour home, is that normal? And also, he goes about and plays for 20 minutes among his cage and then he either hides away or stares into space for 30 mins. I assume its because he's a baby and gets tuckered out quick but I'd like someone else's opinion, oh and he hasn't slept for more than an hour straight, just lots of lil naps, so is there anything I should be concerned about?

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