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Topics - cookjl124

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Breeding 101 / Newbie and starting a herd, please some advice!
« on: October 01, 2011, 05:12:45 PM »
A little bit about my husband and I

we adopted chinchillas from a Rescue in Buffalo NY about a year and a half ago. We picked two out of the four chins available.  We assumed the sex by their size…. So we called the larger on gracie and the smaller one yoda.  I doubt they were ever socialized by their original owners or ever let out because they don’t like to be touched or picked up… we don’t know the sex of yoda to this day because he will claw his way out of any pick up.  And we don’t want to traumatize him.  We found out the sex of Gracie after she had a seizure right in front of us during play time so the next day we went to the doctors and he said that her blood sugar was high according to the tests... so that may have caused the seizure... and gracie was an intacted male, we were told that the males we neutered when we adopted them.  I was told they were about 8yrs old when we adopted them so that would make then 9-10 years old.  We just moved into a house and they have a huge enclosure  in the basement  about 20’ x 12’ that yoda and gracie can enjoy.  The funnies thing is yoda can squeeze though the 1” bars… it is so astonishing to see him do that… and he roams around the basement checking things out… so for now we only let them out when we are with them… but I got some mess wire that I will put along the bottom to stop the sneaky little bugger…

Anyways this is my family of chins.  They are pets only and we will not breed them… I have no clue of their lineage and diseases they may have. 

Im pretty sure gracie is a standard but yoda has darker coloring compared to gracie… so I think hes a dark standard. 

I would like to start a herd over the next year but where do I start.  They only advice ive been given is to buy the most expensive stock I can afford to start our herd.  Where should I get my starting stock from?

My goal is to get a violet male and have a group of vc females… bv-vc, white-vc, beige-vc, dk ebony-vc.  I have been using the chin calculator and I would like the combinations to be simple so I don’t get over my head trying to figure out what the babies are once born.  What do you think the best pair would be to start out with?

I probably will get the male and one of the above females to start and add females as we can afford them.  There are not many breeders in ny and I don’t think there are any shows up here either.  The closes would be ohio and pa.  but I would love to come to a show in the near future.

so please point me in the right direction.

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