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Topics - chinsgrandma

Pages: [1]
General Chat / New chin owner
« on: June 16, 2006, 12:22:21 PM »
Hi all,
I recently visited a breeder and picked a chin out for my daughter.  Her name is Cheerio (the chin, not my daughter!) and we are loving her to death.  I have a question that I was hoping someone can help me with, though, as I have not found this answer in any books or on any message boards.  Every once in a while we notice an odor from Cheerio.  It's not particularly offensive, but it's a definite odor, and all I read everywhere is how they have NO odor.  So naturally this concerns me, that she could have a health problem causing this.  It is not constant, but we smell it pretty often.  It's a musky type of odor.

If anyone has any input on this topic I would really appreciate it!


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