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Topics - DarkMoonSlayer

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Been recording my pets lately...
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:42:06 AM »
... and uploading the videos to youtube.

Tonight I did one of my Chinchilla. I wasn't sure what song to play over it though, and I'm not entirely satisfied with my choice. I mean with the ferret it's any song that relays her hyperness, but the chinchilla is a bit more laid back.

But that's beside the point. I figured I'd share the video here. Hopefully this is the right place to post it on this site  :)

Health / This doesn't bode well...
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:31:26 AM »
Merlin has a pale gunk accumulating in the front corner of his eyes (tear duct area). I've heard that malocclusion will cause eyes to weep or have discharge but as far as I can tell Merlin has no other symptom of malocclusion. He's eating fine and isn't drooling and is (other then his depression) very energetic.

I'm wondering if it could be dust form his bath that got in his eye, but I'd think that would go away relatively quickly and his eyes have been like this for 2 weeks now (they aren't getting worse or better).

I know I should take him to a vet to be looked at but I just spent most of my money on another vet visit for a different pet. Also I don't like the local exotics vet(with chinchillas, he is great with ferrets) and the next closest one is a good 60 miles away.

If he isn't having other symptoms is it safe to wait on the vet visit until next month when I get paid again? Having just lost Gandalf to malocclusions that were inoperable I'm a little worried that Merlin is following a similar route.

Q & A / Dare I say, "Depressed Chinchilla"?
« on: January 21, 2010, 09:10:16 PM »
So in November I had to put one of my Chinchillas, Gandalf, down because he had malocclusions that couldn't be treated. He was one of two chinchillas I owned and the two chinchillas were cagemates for pretty much their entire life, as long as I and the previous owner had had them at the least.

Now my remaining chinchilla, Merlin, is acting in a way that makes me wonder if he is depressed over the loss of his lifelong friend. Right after Gandalf died Merlin became lazy and disinterested in leaving the cage for play time and only left his hidey-hole to eat and drink. In early December he seemed to be getting better and getting a bit more spunky, and then I had to leave for my dad's for Christmas and New Years. I was gone for about 2 weeks and when I came back Merlin was acting depressed again. Normally when I leave for vacation he is fine but I'm thinking I may have messed up leaving him when I did.

So far this month he has gotten a little better, he comes out for treats, and will sit on my shoulder for a little while, but over all he still seems pretty sad, and still doesn't seem interested in play time outside the cage

The thought has crossed my mind that maybe he needs a new cagemate, but I've heard chinchillas can be aggressive to other chins they don't know that they are introduced to as adults. My chinchilla is at least 5 years old and I don't know what to expect when introducing a new chinchilla.

If you can think of anything else that might cheer him up besides a new chin to play with I would ba happy to hear those suggestions too.

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