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Chinchillas => General Chat => Topic started by: Jasonred79 on March 20, 2015, 08:10:18 AM

Title: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: Jasonred79 on March 20, 2015, 08:10:18 AM
Hi, when I was syringe feeding popsicle a while back, there was spillage, and now days later hes still got clumps of fur stuck together by dried critical care. how do i go about helping him clean this?
Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: GrayRodent on March 20, 2015, 01:08:40 PM
Try a damp washcloth with lukewarm water. You may have to soak the clumps as much as possible and see if you can pick them out. Be careful doing this. You don't want to get more than that small area wet (water can also cause matting) and you don't want to soak the animal to the point where he gets chilled which can be dangerous. So be sure to dry well with a towel.

Chances are it's not going to come out right away. If it's real bad and tangled up you can try cutting it off with scissor ONLY if you are comfortable with doing that. A veterinarian can help you if you feel it's too bad to grow out on its own. Otherwise it should grow out and fall out in a few weeks.

How is Popsicle doing now? Is he eating his pellets?
Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: BLS Chins on March 20, 2015, 03:40:23 PM
You can dust him daily and tug them out. A warm wash cloth can work the wrist off. Be very careful if you decide to cut them out since chins don't like to stay still.
Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: Jasonred79 on March 21, 2015, 06:23:49 AM
Are the clumps doing him any harm? I notice he tries to get me to groom them out for him, but I'm not a chinchilla so my clumsy human hands fail at it.
It's had days and days to engrain itself into the fur, so it's not really coming out from wet napkins, yeah I end up getting him wet but no less matted.
Was considering letting him get wet, then towel dry, then dust bath. Bad idea, I guess.

He's pooping a little, not anywhere near his old amounts though. Maybe about 1/10th of his old production? But critical care seem more concentrated nutrients, I dunno. Hard to weigh him every day. He's not really eating the pellets, but I think that's cause he thinks critical care is tastier? ... anyhow this packet of CC is not resealable, so gonna let him finish it off?
Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: GrayRodent on March 21, 2015, 06:46:46 AM
Little clumps shouldn't hurt anything. Big clumps that go deep maybe, maybe not. If it's still a problem in a couple of weeks and there is not improvement you may need to have to the vet cut them out for you.

I'm very concerned for your pet's health if you are correct about it being 1/10 of normal. You need to get a weight one way or another to make sure your method is effective. If it is not you will need to make adjustments quickly. The ingredients are concentrated but when you mix it with water the density is more similar to regular food. I have a feeling Popsicle is not getting enough food.

Critical care when dry can stay out for days or weeks without any problems. (recommend putting it in resealable baggie). Mixed critical care should be used the same day.
Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: Jasonred79 on March 22, 2015, 01:15:31 AM
Just weighed him a minute ago. He's gained weight recently, he's actually the heaviest he's ever been. I give him 1 tablespoon (not heaped) of CC, 3 or 4 times a day.
He's still not touching the hay or pellets though, but my mum says that might be because he's so full of CC. huh. No idea.

Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: GrayRodent on March 22, 2015, 05:44:41 AM
Okay great. Sounds like his food intake is on the high side. Did you get the appropriate dose from your vet?
Has there been any improvement in his fecal output? Does he look distended?
Title: Re: How to unstick matted fur? (from spilt critical care)
Post by: Jasonred79 on March 22, 2015, 11:41:22 AM
I think all is good now, he is back to being a poop machine, though his poops are now big, black, round and damp (not soggy just damp not dry). Fur is still matted, and he's not really eating much pellets or hay but I think he's eating SOME of it... how long can i leave pellets out? Maybe I should throw away the old pellets and give him new ones?
As for dosage, er, I thought you said chins won't overeat, and popsicle had decided he didn't need to be force fed anymore, so I just gave him food (CC) whenever I thought he might be hungry. (ie give him a few hours between meals). Also, my vet didn't know the correct dosage, silly girl, when I asked her the dosage for CC, she said to just follow the instructions on the box... and the packet has no dosage chart, so I found something on the net and then just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.  ???