Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => General Chat => Topic started by: Beardysteve1 on December 02, 2014, 07:35:31 AM

Title: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: Beardysteve1 on December 02, 2014, 07:35:31 AM
Hi all.

I'm wondering about getting a chinchilla wheel. I've read conflicting things about whether they are good for chinchillas backs or not. What is your opinion on them?

Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: Jasonred79 on December 02, 2014, 09:52:44 AM
People say they have no problem with the vertical wheel ones, but I decided to play it safe and built the Ikea wheel, it's horizontal, aka flying saucer style. Overall, I think it's actually CHEAPER to build your own, Popsicle absolutely loves his wheel, and I didn't follow the instructions just made it by using industrial glue to stick the lazy susan onto some inclined pieces of wood, so it was very low effort.

Overall, people are ALWAYS posting on this board about chinchilla health problems, and not one person has posted about the wheel causing back problems. So it seems PRETTY safe. ;)
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: Beardysteve1 on December 02, 2014, 09:59:36 AM
Thanks Jason,

Do you have a link for the IKEA wheel?
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: GrayRodent on December 02, 2014, 11:11:40 AM
My chinchilla has a wheel. I think it is a very good thing for him. He can run upward of 3,000 revolutions per day. Before he had his wheel he jumped from shelf to shelf to shelf all night. I can sleep much better now.
My opinion is that a wheel needs to be 15" in diameter or higher. I have a 14" wheel and it is okay for my 500g male chinchilla but barely. If you have a larger chin you definitely need a larger wheel.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: Jasonred79 on December 05, 2014, 05:46:58 AM

Same concept for chinchillas.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: GrayRodent on December 05, 2014, 06:25:51 AM
Those are very cool ideas. I like the idea of using an inline skate wheel too as long as it can be enclosed and out of reach. One of the biggest reasons I got my wheel was to make things quieter. The high quality bearings will have less drag and that will be attractive to your pet.
I will remark that you should not use particle board when constructing accessories for rodents. Use solid white pine instead and it will work just as good and should be easier to work with. Particle board contains binders that can be highly toxic.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: LeapingLechuga on February 18, 2015, 04:04:17 PM
Scarlett doesn't seem to like her wheel at all. I'm actually not sure she knows what it is, I found her sitting in it for the first day or so it was in her cage but not since then. I haven't heard or seen any evidence that she is using it at all. Is this abnormal for a chin? On the other hand, she is very much enjoying all the shelves to her new, larger cage that she is now allowed to be in.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: GrayRodent on February 18, 2015, 04:16:07 PM
My chinchilla uses his wheel almost always at night after the lights are out and sometimes only when I'm asleep. There usually is no evidence that he has used it but I have a counter that I installed on it. There are usually around 3000 revolutions logged each night. However I have heard it said that not all chinchillas will take a wheel.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: Jasonred79 on February 20, 2015, 01:51:46 AM
My chin took a while to take to his wheel. Also, when I replaced his wheel, he was all like "what's this??? It's not my old wheel!!!" :(

But he loves his wheel... in fact, that's the default form of punishment for him (locking him up doesn't work since he likes his cage/deluxe suite so much and I can't really hit him or starve him right?). When he's naughty I take away his wheel and let him know it's his punishment.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: GrayRodent on February 20, 2015, 06:59:05 AM
Something tells me your chinchilla has no clue.
Title: Re: Chinchilla wheels
Post by: Jasonred79 on February 24, 2015, 07:28:43 AM
oh he definitely knows when his wheel has been taken away. My mum was visitting once while he was being punished and was all like "he's so unhappy! Give my grand-rodent (grand-son rodent) back his wheel... he's so pitiful!"