Chinchilla Community Forums

Chinchillas => Q & A => Topic started by: kneesaa on December 29, 2007, 04:56:30 PM

Title: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: kneesaa on December 29, 2007, 04:56:30 PM
I was wondering if the chins can have chex. I have some rice chex and was wondering if they could have one as a treat? And Happy New Year to you all ;) :::grins::
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: KCchins on December 29, 2007, 05:23:18 PM
No I would not feed chex cereal.  It has too many ingredients.  You can give your chin 1/2 of an unsweetened mini shredded wheat.
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: kneesaa on December 29, 2007, 07:33:54 PM
I haven't giving them any :). I was just wondering if I could ::shrug::. Thanks
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: Leslie on December 30, 2007, 05:34:53 PM
A cheerio every now and then is okay, I think?  One of mine likes them a lot.
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: ChillinChinchillas on December 30, 2007, 08:00:30 PM
Ooohhh I have not tried cheerios. Mine love the shredded wheat. Regular or multigrain?
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: Summer on December 30, 2007, 10:14:39 PM
Oh mine love shredded wheat & cheerios. Not at the same time though.
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: Leslie on December 31, 2007, 07:48:54 PM
Plain cheerios  :)
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: Asikovsek on January 04, 2008, 01:48:13 AM
sugar is not good for chins.  The plain shredded wheat here or there is ok, but I would stay with the dried fruits that don't have pit.  Rosehips are ok for chins, but you really want to stick to raisins and other dried fruit it seems to be the most gentle on chins digestive systems.  Chex and cheerios is pushing it because they still carry sugar and other ingrediants that arnt so good for chins
Title: Re: Feeding your chin chex cereal?
Post by: Abby W. on January 04, 2008, 01:59:09 PM
I actually stay away from the fruits except in very small amounts.  Fruits have a high concentration of natural sugars.  They are fine for the chin, but I find if I give them more than once a week or so my chins develop soft stools.  Also, some fruits are natural laxatives, apples, raisins and prunes, in particular.  I do give one half of a spoon-size shredded wheat (unfrosted) as a treat several times a week, and sometimes add a small raisin on the side :)  This seems to be a good balance for them. 

Remember, just like with us, too much of anything is not good.  All treats, grainy or fruity, should be given in moderation.  I try to keep a good balance between the grain treats and the fruit treats, so as not to disturb their digestive system.  If I see soft stools, I give only grain treats for a while, unless it is full-blown diahrrea.  If that happens I stop all treats until it is clear.  If I see the poops getting smaller then I give fruit until it gets back to normal. 

Treats are a special thing, NOT a main stay in their diet.  We need to all remember that and give them sparingly, no matter how much we want to spoil them  :)