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Chit Chat / Merry Christmas
« on: December 26, 2009, 02:32:51 PM »
To one and all, people, pets and families of, I hope you all had a great Christmas Day!
From Newfoundland Canada I wish you all nothing but the best of health & happiness for 2010.
 I can't believe another year has passed.
Jamie it feels like I've been here forever. I can't imagine my life with out chins the club & the wonderful people & animals I've met from here.
You guys are the best!!!!! ::Lovehearts:: ::dancingspot:: ::clapp::

New Births / First of the fall kits
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:34:42 PM »
I don't post births much but had to share these 2 cuties.
On the 16 th my ebony female Charity, well she's my daughter Laura's really but I bred her, LOL
and my very first chin a standard male named Pokie become proud parents again.
The last 2 litters were triplets and seemed  aaaaa more babyish than these 2 females. Though they were not over big at birth, the med ebony was 56 grams & the dark was 50 grams.
On the day they were born they were shimmying and climbing all over the cage.
This pic or 2  ;) were take at less than 24 hours old, but they acted like they were a week old already.

General Chat / Have you seen this one yet?
« on: July 13, 2009, 06:12:47 AM »
Kind a funny, and way cute!

Parent Chat / It's a GIRL!
« on: June 21, 2009, 08:52:24 AM »
Laura had her ultra sound on Friday, and we are getting a girl.. Woohoo ::bouncyball:: ::fruit:: ::bouncyball::
Crazy Granny is beside herself again.
She is due the middle of Nov.
The baby is just 9 ounces and moves around like crazy.

Q & A / Treats for Dogs fro chins
« on: May 27, 2009, 03:20:40 PM »
Just got this email, and have heard of it before.

Hi Debbie,
I was reading on some stuff and it said you can give chinchillas dog bones the rawhide kind.
Is this true?

I have advised against it but said I would check.

General Chat / A chinchilla makes the news in Newfoundland
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:48:13 PM »
Well I thought this was funny , sad, ::) and several other types of interesting.
As no one was seriously hurt I'm still chuckling.

Chit Chat / I'm getting another one!!!!
« on: March 14, 2009, 02:26:02 PM »
Another grandchild. ::gobananago:: ::banana:: ::bouncyball:: ::dancingspot:: ::rosesforme:: ::kiss99::
Who's excited....... ;D
Yes Colby will have a sibling by mid Nov.

Laura just found out she expecting again,and noone is more thrilled than I ::wub::

Chit Chat / I'm still around SMILE
« on: February 19, 2009, 07:27:04 AM »
Hi all,
I miss the club so much and had to drop in to let ya'll know I'm still around.
I've been dealing with a plate full as follows;

My Dad ended up in hospital in late Oct and has been there ever since. He had his toes off 7 years ago and a plastic vein put in his leg. In Oct the vein failed and they tried taking one from his good leg, but he only got 2 weeks out of it when they had to remove his left leg from just below the knee. A severe infection caused deep holes in the stump that they are still trying to get closed so he can go to rehab and have a prosthetic fitted. Looks like that will take another couple of months.
Trying to keep his laundry done, meals in to him,{the slop at the hospital is not fit to eat} and visiting just about everyday, plus taking care of Colby in this weather is taking the good and any spare time out of me.
My hubby has not been well either and they are running all kinds of tests on him. It just takes so long to get appointments.Most of it is from arthritis in his cspine but they have to make sure before they do anything.
I also lost an uncle just before Christmas, and my Grandmother last month. I posted about her when Colby was born as he made 5 generation. Now we are back to 4. It was a celebration of her life as she was 98 years old.
I've moved my pc down stairs to try and keep up with my own life. I hope to get more time on line and catch up on ye all.
On top of all that I still have my chins to care for, though I have separated all but 2 pairs for now.
I have to get out now a shovel a bit before I go to Colby's .
Hope to catch up here over the next couple of days.
Missing all your chin chatter ::nod::

Chit Chat / So where is everybody???
« on: September 16, 2008, 06:57:28 AM »
Not much going on here so lets hear what's got everyone so tied up. ::nod::
I know the kids are back in school so that a busy time for some.
You guys in the US go back in Aug. Yes?  Our kids don't go back until Sept.5 or so.
I can't believe summer is over, it just flew by for me. Then we don't get much of it anyway, and it rained so much this summer. First year in years we didn't have to worry at all about water levels. ::shrug::That's a good thing I'm sure.

Darling Colby keeps Nanny busy. He's almost 19 months old now. He knows all his colors, some letters & numbers, and can even tell you what MOM,DAD,NAN,POP spell, verbally or written.
Funny I don't know where he got it but he calls his mother MAMA. ;D We do everything to get him to say MOMMY but no way.
He cut his 4 front teeth before Christmas and never cut another on until late May.Now their coming up in a hurry.

Anyone started Christmas shopping yet????? :D

A couple of pics from Colby's first trim to the Marine Lab.

Parent Chat / Kandahar & my newphew
« on: September 08, 2008, 07:50:46 AM »
Canadian soldier killed, 7 wounded in Afghanistan
Last Updated: Sunday, September 7, 2008 | 1:00 PM ET Comments343Recommend206CBC News
One Canadian soldier was killed and seven others wounded Sunday during a roadside bomb explosion in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar province, a military official said.

Sgt. Prescott (Scott) Shipway was killed after his armoured vehicle struck a roadside bomb during a security patrol in the Panjwaii district of southern Afghanistan. (DND)
Sgt. Scott Shipway died after his armoured vehicle struck an improvised explosive device during a security patrol around 12:30 p.m. local time, said Brig.-Gen. Denis Thompson.

The wounded soldiers were reported in good condition and were well enough to telephone their families.

"The Afghan National Army helped secure the scene and the Canadian casualties were moved to the closest safe area," Thompson told reporters at Kandahar Airfield.

Shipway, originally from Saskatchewan, was with the 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based in Shilo, Man. He was on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan and was just days away from returning home, military officials said.

They said he will be remembered by his friends as a dedicated father and Saskatchewan Roughriders fan, as well as a strong platoon leader who served in Bosnia, Kosovo and Cyprus.

"The troops in his platoon loved him and referred to him as Papa Shipway. He was very loyal to his friends and his motto was 'Never let a comrade down,'" Thompson said.

The latest fatality brings to 97 the number of Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan since 2002.

One of the injured was my Newphew. This is his second tour, & his last.
He didn't get to phone home until this morning.They were keeping him sedated as he had some bad facial injuries, & is pretty stitched up. BUT he's going to be ok, just made for a long long night waiting to hear.
He lost so many friends from his Shilo troop, and Sgt. Prescott (Scott) Shipway was sat right next to him.
They are all pretty shook, as are we.
I spoke to Christopher the day they were told they had to do one more mission before they left for home.
I had a bad feeling as we chatted, then 3 were killed, & now this. :'(

Will these people, and I use the term loosely, ever evolve???????

New Births / Got my other litter
« on: March 16, 2008, 05:37:09 PM »

I knew she wouldn't last much longer, but was a tad worried because on Leona's last litter she had a breech birth and we lost the first kit.
Not a hitch this time, and thrusday past he delivered 2 beautiful & healthy kits.
A dark ebony male @58 grams, and what may be my first light ebony in a female@ 56.
She looks like her Mom who is a Med, but a tad lighter/closer to a standard with out the white belly. She may darked a tad with age, but I still think she'll be lighter than her Mom.
So frustrating when you've never seen the colors in person.
I am having problems telling with the lights-med ebonies and tans, as I haven't had many born here yet.
What ever they are some cute. ::nod::
Funny though Leona likes evening births, my last female to deliver likes lunch time, but most seem to go for early mornings.

Breeding 101 / Breeding & Lighting
« on: January 14, 2008, 03:18:54 PM »
How much lighting is enough?
Haven't had a problem until now.
Hubby hasn't been well, & spending very little time down in the work shop for the past 2-3 months.
That means the lights haven't been on as much were the chins are either.
Though they have a small window they are used to florecent lighting on about 14 hours a day. That's now down to 3-4 hours a day/night, as it includes my time down there with them in the night.
Problem is none seem to be gettinig pregnant. They are having heats, and I know I've changed a couple of pairs around, but even my regular pairs haven't done the deed yet. They had thier last litters the fall, they should be ready again now. ::think::
So how long should I be leaving the lights on for?????????

General Chat / Christmas Greetings from a few of my Chins
« on: December 04, 2007, 04:05:22 PM »
This is to funny not to share.Dancing chins
Hope it works

New Births / One didn't make it!
« on: August 23, 2007, 07:35:28 PM »
My med ebony gave birth to twins yesterday, but the first was breech, and didn't make it.
It wasn't badly torn up just the tip of the tail and one foot was chomped. It looks like the kit died in the process.
It was a beautiful white ebony male .
The second a standard is doing great.
I'll post a pic in my album of the one that died.

General Chat / What a time of it!!!!
« on: July 28, 2007, 09:34:08 AM »
Lots been going on with me this summer, and trying to enjoy some of what little summer we get.
Calls for 31 Celsius today, about 85 F,we rarely see that.
 Our antiques business is not doing well, and the stress of it all has aggravated a heart problem with Hubby.A minor infraction but he still had to take a few weeks off to recover.
So with slow sales he had to take it easy for a few weeks, no refinishing even. That isn't helping the cause of his attack in the first place.
I've had a full time job trying to keep him from having a full blow heart attack.
I've been doing garage/yard sales to pick up some extra cash on the week ends.
Also my Grandmother who will be 97 soon is having some problems and it look like she's doing her last year with us.
I'm sure she was waiting for Mom to come from Florida and Laura to get out with the baby.
She seems so content to "go home" now.
And I lost one of my breeders to malocclusion, and yes I purchased from a good breeder with full pedigree.
She is Dakota's Mother so I have to believe it's genetic.
He was the big tov homo that had seizures last summer and needed 2 trims. He hasn't needed one since, but with both turning up I have to go with genetics on this one. ::cry222:::
I had the Mom put down but will wait for Dakota to get sick.
I also have another standard male from her, a pet, and have sold about six from the same pair. ::scaredspeachless::
The thought of them suffering in their new homes make me ill, though I have called the owners and told them what to watch for.
I have loads of family coming home now to see Grandmother.She got to cut a cake for the Seniors home 40th anniversary as the oldest resident this week. Her pic in the local paper and all. Nice ending I figure. ::wub::
We did get our picture of the five generations ::kiss99::
And Colby is the bestest, he's 5.5 months now, sitting and starting to crawl, albeit backwards ;D
He's his Nanny's big boy now at 22 pounds, and eats like a trooper.
Sharing the five generations ::nod::

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