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Messages - LYChinchillas

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General Chat / How to Weigh Your Chinchilla
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:09:54 AM »
Hey everyone!

Just curious, how do you weigh your chinchillas? I have come up with a daily ritual of dusting (since I live in an area of relative humidity and all my chins love to dust/have no dry skin issues) and then weighing on a regular flat circular food scale. I have found that dusting them before somewhat disorients them and allows them to stay still for the few seconds that are needed to weigh!  ::silly::

I wrote a little piece about how I weigh my chins - maybe it is of use to someone! I mean, there's definitely no huge secret to weighing, it's mostly about patience and practice. Some owners choose to buy curved platform scales, that help the chins be more confined and consider it easier to weigh. It probably is, but I've never used one!

Q & A / Re: Chinchilla Basics 101
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:36:04 PM »
So interesting! Definitely something to read up on.

Q & A / Re: Chinchilla Basics 101
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:12:40 AM »
Very true, I use exotic as a term to describe their particularity in required care and environment - also that they are less known in the pet industry than the more typical pets and the majority of people don't understand much at all about them.

That's really interesting about the human ear analog and antibiotic testing, I couldn't have imagined that would be the case. Is that so in the states? It's really quite surprising.. will have to look into that more. Do you have any articles to share on that?  :)

Q & A / Chinchilla Basics 101
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:10:41 AM »
Since I've started on social media with my chins, I have realized how many people have no idea what a chinchilla is, let alone any basic facts about them! I decided to create a simple post on my blog about the basics, for people to read and share with those that have the most basic chin questions.

What do you think? Does it cover all the bases?

General Chat / Re: How are is do playtime why help
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:10:11 AM »
Yes, of course - everyone's situation is different, and spaces differ quite a bit. If your chin is over 6 months, you should either get a wheel, spend time in a confined area with your pet such as a closet or bathroom, or chin-proof an area of your home for safe playtimes. It's definitely important for these active guys to get out a little energy from time to time; and of course critical for owners to be present for any time a chin is outside of its cage. Definitely do what's right for you, and what's comfortable and safe.

General Chat / Re: Chinchilla restless
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:44:55 PM »
Sounds like a normal chin! Chins are not nocturnal, rather they are crepuscular, meaning active during twilight hours of dawn and dusk. Younger chins tend to have more energy, but chin can be energetic well into their later years as welll  :::grins::

General Chat / Re: How are is do playtime why help
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:42:47 PM »
I suggest getting rid of that ball, it is generally claustrophobic and unkind and doesn't allow chins to jump the way they love to. It's important to take some time and prep the area - it takes a bit of time in the beginning, sure, but it's well worth the trouble! It's important for you to be an active participant during playtime as well, so leaving your chin to one area that is considered 'chin safe' is really not a good idea.. supervision is very important. Here are a few playtime tips for you if you do decide to chin-proof an area:  :)

General Chat / Re: Chinchilla TLC: Toys, Love, and Care!
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:39:17 PM »
Aww as long as he gets a variety of toys, I'm sure his brain will stay stimulated  :::grins::

General Chat / Re: Tips on bonding with chins please!
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:38:31 PM »
I have written a little piece on how to bond with your chinchilla; perhaps it can be of help to you!

The general ideas are:
1. Have a good, slow, positive introduction
2. Develop a routine, including during feeding, cleaning, dusting, and weighing
3. Have a lovely playtime routine as well
4. Stay positive and keep going!

General Chat / Re: Safe and Unsafe woods. (question)
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:53:15 PM »
I've compiled a bit of a list that may be helpful - it's based largely on cross-referencing from multiple sources, owners, and breeders - let me know if I've missed something!  :::grins::

Health / Re: Lets discuss diets!
« on: January 06, 2015, 06:21:56 PM »
My chin is on a basic diet of pellets (1/3 Mazuri & 2/3 Manna Pro) and hay (2/3 timothy and 1/3 orchard hay) - free fed all day. Each week I offer them some alfalfa, which stimulate their appetite and once a month I offer 2-3 teaspoons of an oat-based supplement, which has encouraged their overall appetite. Not so much on other types of supplements unless medically necessary. I have a blog entry about my diet here if you are interested - and happy learning! This forum is a great resource for all new and existing chin owners.

General Chat / Re: New member with some new additions
« on: January 03, 2015, 04:51:12 PM »

Ebonies are a shade of gray/black all the way around, standards are gray with white tummies, and black velvets are black with white tummies. Very happy you were able to save your chinnies! Also, when dealing with pairs, it might be tough to make that trio work - although if you take your introductions slow and steady enough, and their personalities are amicable, it could work. Good luck with that!

General Chat / Re: Bonding With Your Chinchilla
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:12:32 PM »
Hahah  ::nod::   I'm sure my chins have developed a liking to ridiculous songs.. that's my story and I'll stick to it  :2funny:

General Chat / Bonding With Your Chinchilla
« on: December 31, 2014, 09:17:56 AM »
This week's post is all about: How to Bond with Your Chinchilla! Give it a read, and have a very Happy New Year! :)

As long as you:
- Set realistic goals
- Treat chinchillas like people (in that you understand they have personalities, are intelligent, can carry opinions and feel emotions)
- Take your time and stay positive

Then the main takeaway points are:
- Have a good introduction
- Develop a routine, including feeding, dusting, weighing, and cleaning
- Once ready, start including playtime into your weekly routine
- Keep showing your chinchillas love, and they'll come around!

Hope that your bonding continues into 2015! Cheers!

Guestbook / Re: Hi! I'm new
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:50:13 PM »
Hi Moxie and owner  :) Nice to meet you! I have a chin-blog if you'd like to read up on my personal experiences - perhaps it can help you with your chin moving forward!  :::grins::

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