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Messages - Mogsy

Pages: 1 [2]
Q & A / Re: Chinchilla ball
« on: November 24, 2011, 06:42:21 PM »
Aw. What a waste of 35 dollars. I've seen lots of happy Chins running around in balls. I'm a very busy person, and unfortunately my sleeping schedule is totally opposite of Chester's. He normally gets playtime with me while I'm doing my make-up at 4 in the morning getting ready for work, but he likes to try and get into the drawers when I go to grab something. When I get home from work around 2, he's sleeping and refuses to come out. Naturally, he gets jumpy JUST as I have to be in bed. Le sigh. Hopefully my schedule will change. I feel bad with how little playtime he's been getting lately. Thanks for the advice though!

Q & A / Chinchilla ball
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:07:57 PM »
I bought Chester a chinchilla ball to run around in. I put him in there today and all he did was sit there confused and biting the inside of the ball.  ???  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get him used to running around in the ball or is it generally just a matter of time and exposure?

Health / Re: Spot on ear?
« on: October 12, 2011, 03:41:45 PM »
It did disappear, thankfully. I'll cut back on his baths and see if that helps. He doesn't have a proper dust house yet, so when he takes a bath it goes everywhere, and sometimes he finds dust in the corners and rolls in it between bathtimes. ::silly:: Thanks!

Health / Spot on ear?
« on: October 02, 2011, 04:14:30 AM »
Chester was having playtime, and a dust bath. He scratched at his ear, and immediately after, I noticed a dark patch, like he'd removed a layer of skin/hair on the back of his ear. He didn't seem to be in pain, and he ignored his ear afterward. The spot was fairly small, half a centimeter in diameter or so, and round. Has anyone ever seen this before?  ::shrug::

Health / Hic-Hic-Hiccups!
« on: September 22, 2011, 06:00:32 AM »
I take Chester out a few times a day for playtime. For some reason every few days, when I take him out for the very first playtime of the day, he gets hiccups! They only last for about a minute or so, and they don't seem to be causing any discomfort. It's like he doesn't even notice them. He's always very excited/ bouncy for the first playtime of the day. Is it the sudden activity/ increased breathing that's causing these hiccups, or is it something that I should be concerned about?

Other notes: He is healthy (as far as I can tell), young, eats and drinks and poops on a regular basis and is very active, social and happy. He's less than a year old, standard gray chin. He doesn't get hiccups any other time than first playtime of the day on some days. I've looked at his nose and listened to his breathing every few days at different points of the day, and I don't hear him struggling to breathe or notice any discharge from his nose.  ::shrug:: I don't know what to think!

General Chat / Re: A Special question for the Ladies ....
« on: September 22, 2011, 05:51:04 AM »
This month I definitely have noticed a change. Chester wouldn't leave me alone! Even during playtime he spent most of it crawling all over me, sitting on my shoulder or on my lap and even snuggling. He might have sensed that I wasn't feeling well more than anything else, though. I suppose all of them are different!

General Chat / Re: Chester, my hero.
« on: September 13, 2011, 04:42:51 PM »
They are very smart and very receptive! Moreso than most people give them credit for. I'm sorry for the loss of Chinchi.  :::((( I dread the day when Chester dies. I'm happy that you still have your other pets and they keep you happy. Amazing how something so small can make such an enormous difference, both mentally and physically.

General Chat / Chester, my hero.
« on: September 13, 2011, 03:09:10 PM »
I'd been depressed for a long time. I mean, several years. Unwilling to hold down a job, missing my medication, developing a drinking problem. I spent a long time avoiding friends and family, feeling worthless and ashamed.

It was two days after my birthday; and the night after I'd gotten dangerously intoxicated. I had officially hit rock bottom. It was on a whim that I'd taken the cash I'd received for my birthday and gone to the pet store. I returned home with Chester and all the accessories.

More than two months later, I've done a complete 180. He's reignited my passion and love, life, cooking, art and nature. I'm working, enjoying friends and family, and have stopped drinking entirely. I'm also happily tapering off my anti-anxiety/ anti-depressant medication and using music therapy in lieu of.

I've had pets for more than ten years at a time, and I loved them very much. But nothing quite compares to the love, joy and excitement I get from spending time with my fuzzy little friend, even months down the road. He's helped me save me from myself without even knowing it.

This was a hard thing to share on such a public forum. If any of you have similar stories, or just want to share how your Chinny has changed your life, I invite you to do so!

General Chat / Re: Looking for water bottle recomendations
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:03:21 PM »
I use the Living World glass bottle. It comes in a couple different sizes. It leaks a little when I clean/ refill the bottle, but nothing major! I buy a lot of their products, including chews, chin food, and even cage. I don't buy anything not Living World brand if I can avoid it, save for maybe Timothy Hay. Good luck!

Health / Re: Piddles during playtime?
« on: September 10, 2011, 06:17:52 PM »
Good to know! He hasn't had any more "accidents" in the last few days, but I will find a little something and put some shavings in it for him to use. He does seem to favour a spot. Thank you!

Health / Piddles during playtime?
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:57:05 PM »
I'm a fairly new Chin owner. I've had Chester for about two months. He's about seven or eight months old, regular adorable gray Chinchilla. He eats and gets fresh waster regularly, is happy, gets supervised playtime for several hours a day, and naturally he poops a lot! The last few play-times, though, he's taken to huddling in the corner of the bathroom for a few seconds and peeing on the floor. This is a new thing for him.

I haven't read anything about this kind of thing before. Is it just because he's finally settling in and getting comfortable? Coincidence? The only difference I've noted is that these play-times have been a little later than usual. I take him out several times a day as opposed to one long playtime, otherwise he drives me crazy chewing on the bars of his cage.


-Sincerely, Anxious Chin Mum!

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