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Topics - mojito

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Q & A / Chin Playtime Advice
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:18:07 PM »
When I was in college, I would let my chins out for about an hour in the morning, then an hour at night everyday. Now that I get up at 5:30 am I switched to giving them 2 hours at night everyday. They seemed to like the separate playtimes more though. They don't stay out for the full 2 hours at night (they would when it was broken up though). How long and often do you guys let your chins out? It's also been getting a little harder to keep them on a schedule since now I work days and nights. Just looking for some playtime advice and what everyone else does, thanks!!

Health / Chinchilla Diet- Charlie's Chinchilla Food
« on: April 09, 2013, 06:45:45 PM »
I have 2 adult male chinchillas who were ate Kline pellets, but recently my boyfriend found Charlie's Chinchilla Food and wanted to give it a try, and they have been eating it for about a month. I haven't found much about it, so I wanted to see if anyone else has tried it and what they think about it. Thanks!

General Chat / Treats
« on: October 21, 2012, 09:33:16 PM »
Man its been forever since I've been able to get on here! I hope everyone is doing well :)

Anyways; my boyfriend ordered a bunch of treats and sticks, and when he did he ordered a sampler of treats. She was really kind and gave us many different kinds to try and I was wondering if anyone knew how often you could feed one to chins. So far I've been doing it once a week and shredded wheat once a week (with no poop problems or anything) and I'm wondering if I could do it more often (like 2 different treats a week with or without shredded wheat) I also haven't tried everything bc I'm not 100% sure its all safe.
 Heres the treat list:
- Rosehips
- Honeysuckle
- Lily
- Appleasses- looks like horse treats (not tried)
- Globe Amaranth (not tried)
- Peony (not tried)
- Carnation (not tried)
- Wild Berry (not tried)
- Apple and Oats - looks like horse treats
- Peppermint- looks like horse treats (not tried)
- Raspberry- looks like horse treats (not tried)

Thanks :)

Q & A / Oxbow Bedding
« on: August 04, 2012, 03:58:34 PM »
So I'm switching back to bedding instead of fleece since I just ordered a cage with a pull out tray. I used to use Eco-bedding, but my local pet store no longer carries it. However they now offer Oxbow Eco-straw pelleted wheat straw litter. Has anyone used it? Any thoughts on it?


General Chat / Magician with Chinchillas
« on: August 02, 2012, 04:52:27 PM »
Okay so my mom and little sister recently went to visit my great-aunt in GA, and when my sister came back she was telling me about how my mom's cousin's husband (sorry if thats confusing haha) used to be a small time magician for kids (like bday parties and school events even) and had quite a few chinchillas. They kept them even after he stopped doing gigs and most lived to their late teens and even after 20 so I'm guessing he took pretty good care of them. What blew my mind was that he used the chinchillas in his shows (instead of I guess rabbits) and they had several comfort harnesses (like for ferrets) that the chins wore and would walk them even (which I've heard not to do bc of their fragile ribcage).
Has anyone ever heard of this? Southern weather is not fit for a chin so I'm surprised that he had them out on stage during his gigs, just thought it was unique so wanted to share :)

Cages / Cage Help - Need New Cage
« on: July 22, 2012, 05:11:53 PM »
So I have 2 chins and the FN My first super deluxe cage (I think thats the name); its 24 x 24 x 42 inches. Ever since buying a wooden hay box and noticing it slump (bc the cage can't hold it) I've been looking around here and there. Well now one of the wires broke (no emergency or anything). So I've been looking at the following:

My budget is 200 bucks. I was really hoping this cage would last me just a few more months until I could graduate and find full time work :( Any help/advice would be appreciated! I'm not specific on a brand or anything so all help is welcome :)

General Chat / Playtime boredom
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:14:57 PM »
I let my chins out everyday (usually in the morning and before bed) for at least an hour and a half total. While they both enjoy playtime, one of my chins Dexter seems to get bored often. I've tried switching it up and taking them to the bathroom sometimes as well as my room, getting a tube, making the play area almost 2x bigger and lots of toys to chew on. We make sure they get interaction a lot too by trying to play with them but he'll even get bored of us after a while! I've thought about getting a bunny castle for him or a maze, but I'm just trying to think of more ideas bc I'm worried he'll get bored of those things in like a week!

Health / Watery Eye
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:14:33 PM »
Yesterday I noticed my chin's eye on the right side was more watery than his left. Today I noticed where it looked like tears had fallen around his eye. Hopefully the picture helps give you an idea. (I can take another or upload a larger one if needed!) No discharge around his eye, just very watery. I have stopped giving him dustbaths, but wonder if there is anything else I need to do.

Thanks :)

Q & A / Scents
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:02:34 PM »
So I'm sure some (maybe all) of you have heard or seen the flames candles. I have one that the light heats up a bowl of wax and it smells like a candle in a room. I'm just wondering if it would be safe in the same room as my 2 chins. It's not a spray or anything but I just want to be sure.

Thanks!! ;)

Health / Poop Problem!! Light brown & short
« on: March 28, 2012, 06:47:30 PM »
Got a new chin last Thursday, and today noticed his poop is not normal; its light brown balls. My other chin has oval/elongated dark poop. Google says its constipation. When I moved him to his new cage I don't think he knew where the water bottle was, so I added a new one to the bottom floor. I just hand-fed him water with a bit of pedialyte; as much as he would drink (a little less than an ounce is my guess). Any advice on what to do?

Health / Oxbox Critical Care
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:04:20 PM »
Does anyone know how long it lasts? I don't have easy access to it so I'd be ordering it, and wanted to know how often I would for my first aid kit.

Thanks ::silly::

Health / Chinchilla Just Had A Seizure! Please Help
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:53:46 PM »
So Dexter just had a seizure about 10 minutes ago. He was napping in my dresser where I have removed a line of drawers for him to run around in. During this time every day hes taking a little bit of a catnap, he always does it in there instead of his cage (if I put him back in he acts like he wants to come back out then will nap there again). He was fed Mazuri pellets and timothy hay not long ago, and was very energetic/normal before his scheduled nap. My boyfriend saw that he started to open his eyes and called out his name very softly. Dexter looked up at Max and then immediately went into a seizure. He didn't curl up very much, more like doubled over. The spasms seemed to occur on his abdomen, legs and face. His eyes were open and his mouth was open with his tongue out. He was on his side and on the edge of the dresser so I held him on his left side and just stroked him and spoke to him until it was over. It took about a minute total. He then seemed a little tired, and wanted to stay cuddling with me and did not want to leave my hand when I tried to set him down (which is unusual for him, he is about 5 months old and loves to play instead of cuddle).  I held him and petted him until he wanted down, he acted a bit dazed for a minute and seemed to scope out his play area again like it was new, but is now acting completely normal. My room was at 72 degrees and it is not humid. I do not think it is head trauma or heat shock, he scales the walls and occasionally runs into the cardboard wall or falls off one of his levels (the cage is 41" high, his highest level is about 36").
The only health problem he has had is a prolapsed penis a few days ago, but after treating it with a small amount of Vaseline and checking for hair rings we have not seen any other problems with that. He has also never had a seizure that we've ever seen, and usually someone is with him in the room (the only times not is during school hours).

I can take him to the vet tomorrow if they will take him and if you think I should. I just want to make sure its okay to take him to the vet the day after, I don't want the stress to be more harm then good.
I have looked on the internet but I think I am freaking out a bit too much to take this all rationally, especially since there are a number of causes that it could be associated with.

Sorry this is so long, any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you.

Q & A / Sad Chin
« on: March 09, 2012, 07:16:02 PM »
So I have my 5 month old chin Dexter who stays in my room and spends quite a lot of time with me. He also spends a lot of time with my sister Abby as well, not equal but pretty close. When I go away for the weekend (about 2 hours to see my boyfriend) once a month Abby takes care of him and he is usually good, sometimes he will terrorize her though (like throw hay everywhere, push his food bowl off and bark at her). Well I've been in Huntsville AL for the pas few days since my grandma is sick, and my sister called me today (it's been 2 days) and Dexter barely eats (he does a bit but not as much), doesn't care too much to come out at play time and won't take a dust bath! His poop is normal and he drinks plenty of water, is he just stressed because I'm not there? He perked up when she put me on speakerphone, I'll be home in two days. Anything she can do to help? I'm so worried about my baby :( Abby is always so good with him too


General Chat / Chinchilla Research
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:28:16 AM »
I'm currently a biology major at USC (South Carolina) focusing on genetics. There are a few research grants and scholarships for undergrads to encourage independent research. As far as I know, there are not many studies on chinchillas (especially as pets). I'm trying to come up with ideas for research so I'm reaching out for help :)

I would like to study the genetics of chinchillas, but other projects are completely fine too. I am limited to a certain amount of money and supplies, so I can't go too crazy.
I'm not sure if it'll get accepted but I figured it's worth a shot since I've been wanting to apply to do this.

Thanks in advance,

Health / Nibbling vs. Chewing on Bedding
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:36:48 PM »
So I just cleaned Dexter's cage and this time I decided to try Carefresh Ultra. Its very different from his old bedding (Eco bedding) and ever since he was put back in the cage (about 5-10 minutes now) he's been foraging and rolling around in it. He's also been taking a few pieces and gnawing on them. I can't tell if he's actually eating it or just nibbling on it. I've heard carefresh can kill chins since it expands; but its supposed to also be one of the best beddings out there. Is this okay for him to do this?

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