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Messages - Rachael29

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Q & A / Repairing chinchillas
« on: July 11, 2018, 07:22:46 PM »
Hey guys
So tonight I’ve had to separate my chinchillas. They have been on and off chasing kaking and going up on their hind legs and didn’t want to risk leaving them unattended through the night. They are both in smaller cages with everything they need.
I’ve heard you can put them back together after a (cooling off period)
My question ms are - how long should the cooling off period be?
When do you reintroduced them during playtime at night or during the day and do they go right back on the same cage after playtime?
Thanks in advance for any help y’all can give!

Health / Re: Banana flavouring??
« on: April 10, 2018, 05:00:19 PM »
Well ... it’s funny you would say stress. We were redecorating the room they are in so they were in and out of the room a lot and their cage was facing a different way etc. So that very well might have been the issue! If it flairs up again at any point then we know what to ask for!

Thanks again guys for the helpful advice. He is all better now back to his old self.


Health / Re: Banana flavouring??
« on: April 06, 2018, 06:26:21 PM »
The medication the vet gave me seems to have done the trick. I also contacted the breeder we got him off and she suggested oats and wheetabix in small quantities as he wasn’t eating the recovery stuff. He is doing a lot better and poops are back to normal. No idea what caused it as I said the vet never gave me a diagnosis and no he never done a fecal either whatever that is. But now back to normal eating his pellets and hay in good quantities throughout the day and night however I don’t understand what you mean by what I feed them is uncontroversial?
Thanks very much for all your help guys.
(Sorry for the late reply I ticked to notify me of responses but didn’t seem too)

Health / Re: Banana flavouring??
« on: April 03, 2018, 03:28:33 AM »
Erm no not really he never said much just that he had an icky tummy. He has very squishy poo but not diarrhoea. He is still eating normally and drinking normally and his poops are looking a bit better this morning.
The vet also gave us metacalm (a painkiller) Zantac syrup (to calm inflammation and help With acid reflux) and emeprid oral solutions ( to promote the passage of food through the stomach and into the intestine at a normal rate.) he has taken the other 2 medications fine (because he didn't take the syringe food I didn't give him the painkiller because it needs to be taken with food). I'm just wondering if it could be the taste of it which is why I'm wondering if banana flavouring could be added.

Health / Banana flavouring??
« on: April 02, 2018, 09:55:44 AM »
Hi guys I have a wee sick chinchilla and the vet has gave me recovery plus
Similar to this
He isn’t eating it from the syringe or my finger or a spoon so I’m wondering would it be safe to put like banana flavouring or like raisin flavouring in it to encourage him to eat it?
He isn’t taking it in any way I’ve tried and I think I’ve already stressed him out enough trying with the syringe.

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.


Q & A / That time of year again
« on: December 08, 2017, 09:34:01 AM »
So its coming up to Christmas and i am dreading putting up the Christmas tree up as the chins constantly try to climb in it, on it, chew it, pull the decorations off etc etc. so my question is  how do you keep them away from your tree? also would it be worth it to get a real tree and if so what kind of tree?
thanks in advance.

Q & A / Chinchilla toys
« on: July 26, 2017, 06:20:21 PM »
Hi guys.
I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good website to get chinchilla toys chews etc from preferably in the uk? I seem to be buying them the same old stuff and think they are getting bored of it!

Thanks in advance.


Q & A / Training treats and amounts
« on: December 31, 2016, 06:56:30 PM »
Hay guys and a very happy new year!!
I've been reading up on healthy treats for training and I read on a website that chinchillas can get 11-14 plain cheerios per day?! I wouldn't be treating them that much but that sounded a bit much. I was just wondering if anyone knows the proper amount of healthy treats per day I can give my boys through training and the best way to introduce this? I already give the. 1/2 to 1 shreddie per night once they go back in their cage so normally half as soon as they go in and half before I go to bed. So any help and or advice would be awesome.

Q & A / Re: Who's doing it and why?!
« on: August 22, 2016, 02:43:02 PM »
thats a goos shout! thanks very much. see they have never really peed in the houses they prefer to sleep in them, however i will try this and see if it makes a difference! Thanks very much

Q & A / Re: Who's doing it and why?!
« on: August 21, 2016, 03:29:42 PM »
Yes they are both males. I got them all from the same breeder
I have a little hay that gets changes regularly. I haven't heard of any other bedding that can be used. They don't pee inside the house it's just on the top of it and on the shelfs. There has occasionally been pee there like when we had tiles in there over the hot period we had some pee on there. If it's not uncommon behaviour to pee on the shelfs then that's fine. I was just worried incase it was unusual behaviour.

Q & A / Who's doing it and why?!
« on: August 21, 2016, 02:28:21 PM »
Hay guys
Just a quick question.
I have started to notice pee on the shells and on top of the chinchillas house and tonight on the outside of the wheel.
Now it got to the point we hadn't noticed it that much before but where their wooden house was before it was right in the corner of the cage. Not being moved much when we moved it the full shelf was covered. (Peeing down the side of the cage so we couldn't see) now I mean the full shelf had to come out and be replaced the house aswell. Now that the top is a brand new layout we noticed again in the morning pee on the house and shelfs. I was thinking maybe marking territory but coco and shadow have been together for about a year now so I don't think it's that.

I was thinking it was shadow because he went though a stage of peeing outside the cage. However today I noticed pee on the outside of the wheel. Now shadow is the only one that plays in the wheel so my thinking is that it's coco now so I think he has peed on the outside of the wheel and shadow has went in the wheel. There is no pee on the inside of the houses just seems to be a few shelfs on top of 1 house and today the outside of the wheel.

Anyway any thoughts on finding out who it is? And why all of a sudden are they peeing everywhere but the bottom of the cage? 

General Chat / Stray Fur
« on: August 02, 2016, 04:25:32 PM »
Hi guys!
I hope everyone is well.
Something has been bugging me for a while .... Coco always has stray fur on his back.
Now its not clumps of fur it is just like a follicle here and there and everywhere.
Its not fur biting as its right on his back and he wouldn't be able to reach, and its not fur pulling by Shaddow because when i brush him and get all the stray fur out  he runs around for 5 minutes and BOOM lots of stray fur again.
I am really at a loss here - it only started from about a month ago. he seems to be eating, drinking, pooping, and running fine, he still eats his treats and comes for a hug ... but runs when the comb comes out  rofl
So my question is, Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Thanks in advance.

Q & A / Re: Wheels
« on: June 15, 2016, 04:51:43 PM »
I've just tried to look this up on amazon and cant find it anywhere, can you post a link for this please?

Q & A / Wheels
« on: May 22, 2016, 02:09:39 PM »
Hi guys

We are over in American on holiday and I've spotted a wheel in petco. 

That's the link to it on the website.
I've tried to look for solid metal ones but can't get one. The mesh has very small not big enough to trap their feet. It has a full back on it it can be attached to the cage as well. So just looking for opinions before I buy 2.

General Chat / Re: coco not doing much of anything
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:10:52 AM »
My husband has been in the room a few times with me. They know who he is but it's usually just me that lets them out because of the time of night they get out. Might be that. Or could be territorial as when shadow is about he goes right back under. I was thinking maybe a health issue but he's eating and everything fine. There had been some noise recently we were cleaning the decking and my husband was working on his car which was quite noisy. Ohh and I've had a chest infection so I have been coughing a lot while I've been in the room could that be it? Thanks for the advice! ☺️

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