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Messages - sarahlydear

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How far away is it? I've read (on here) that they should get used to the routine; as long as their is one. If it's not to far and you give them plenty of time to adjust they should be fine. I would be sure to have their other cage made completely up before hand though. 

General Chat / Re: Babysitter?
« on: April 25, 2011, 03:58:28 PM »
Sorry I haven't been on here a while. I live in Atchison County. And I've found a shelter in TX that's willing to take them if I can't find anyone else. Thank you, I'm pretty excited.  ::nod::

General Chat / Re: Babysitter?
« on: March 27, 2011, 04:15:08 PM »
Oops I forgot to put where I'm at. I'm in the upper North-East part of KS.

General Chat / Babysitter?
« on: March 27, 2011, 04:12:32 PM »
So this is my last year of high school and this coming August I start college. I had several plans on what I was going to do with my boys. The first involved a lady I knew that previously owned chinchillas but the more I got to know here the more I felt she wasn't up to taking care of my boys (not trying to be picky but I do have some standards). Then I was going to get my first few years done online and then full time physically at a school so I could live off campus and just keep the boys living with me. Well I won a $40,00 scholarship to a great school that requires you to live on campus all four years. Super excited about that! But looking for the boys...right now my 13year old little brother is willing to watch them but I'd like someone more equipped and knowledgeable about chins to do it.

If anyone is interested I would provide you with all the chews, toys, food, bedding (I use fleece but I'm willing to change if it would help) and hay they would need; you won't have to buy anything extra and of course I'd pay for any vet bills that may come up. I am also going to be offering payment but please bare in mind that I will be a full time college student.

My boys are easily handled and done so on a daily basis, they are very outgoing and love to climb on people. Also they are very well behaved and usually a stern name calling convinces them to stop what ever they are doing and they come when you kiss. Though they are chinchillas and will get in trouble upon which you just want to strangle them because they are so stubborn about getting out from underneath the dresser! :doh:  ;) 

Right now I just need a safe place that will let them out and give them attention. (My brothers idea of play time is setting them lose and then reading a book.) And even if you could just commit to a semester that would be wonderful! 

Please, please, please even if you're just considering or know someone who might be willing let me know. Either comment on here and send me an email: I am going to be asking questions and wanting to get to know you but that's just to make sure you know your stuff and will take proper care of my boys.

General Chat / Re: Major Love-Hate Relationship going on. Help?
« on: March 25, 2011, 08:20:22 PM »
The only thing about the activity level is my cage is actually a redone bird cage and so the whole thing shakes when they jump from ledge to ledge and really goes when someone is running on the flying saucer  ::) but they've gotten it worked out. Mhm and it was completely worth all the trouble they caused  ::nod::

General Chat / Re: Major Love-Hate Relationship going on. Help?
« on: March 25, 2011, 09:37:54 AM »
Tuvok broke my $100, enclosed playpen before I could finish his new cage :doh: and since I literally had nowhere else to put him I had to put him in with Herby. They barely cared. The first few hours they had a few tuffs but nothing hard-core then they were fine and have been since. I do feel kind of bad for Herby though because he's more of a naper and Tuvok is a sleep for a few hours and then be active they whole rest of the time kind guy. So during play time Herby goes back up to the cage and catches a nap  ::) but all in all I think they do like them being in the same cage better. I regularly catch them sleeping together; it's soo cute! I love it.  ::nod::

General Chat / Re: Major Love-Hate Relationship going on. Help?
« on: March 13, 2011, 05:12:03 PM »
Sorry it's been a while I've been really busy but I thought I'd update y'all.
First I renamed Theo Tuvok because everytime I saw him I thought "Vulcan" (big trekkie here...) and Spock didn't fit so he got Voyager's chief of security.
Any way I've been letting Herby and Tuvok hang out in the morning while I clean their cages for 10-15minutes and they've been fine. Then last night they were able to be out together for a full hour with just a few very small tuffs.  ::nod:: Nothing major and they had a grand time, so did Mom; they're sooo cute!  ;D So things are definitely going up and I hope to be able to extend their time even more though I'm still really wary of putting them together with anything they associate as "personal." One thing I have been doing is having a Mom's Night where I let them out individually and spend all my time focused with just one, each taking a turn, and no together time. Takes longer but I really like it and they do too.  ::nod::

Health / Re: Too much cardboard?``
« on: March 13, 2011, 05:01:14 PM »
When the incident happened he pretty much stopped eating and drinking regularly. Now he seems to have regular, good water intake and the bottle is steadily going down, maybe not as fast as I like but still steadily, and he had pretty much stopped eating hay but now he's getting back in the groove and eating more. Right now I'm just going to wait it out for a bit more because I know it was a big change and he hates his "new cage" and since things have started to go back to normal, intake wise, I just wanted to know if the cardboard was hindering or not really doing anything.
Thanks for the input though :)

Health / Too much cardboard?``
« on: March 12, 2011, 08:33:04 PM »
I read somewhere, can't remember where, that you have to watch how much cardboard you give your chins. I hadn't ever really thought about that but I guess it makes sense. I'm anxious to know because my second chin, Tuvok, has had a poop change. His have always been smaller than Herby's but now they're really small; though still soft/firm and healthy looking.
To give you an idea of his situation he recently broke his cage and I'm in the middle of making him a new one just waiting on shelves; so now he's in the boy's playpen and did infact have quite a bit of cardboard in there with with him: a large cardboard box, 2 cardboard tunnels and some wood chews with pine shavings for bedding. After reading that I took out one of the cardboards tubes put another wooden house in there, though he doesn't like to use it he just stands on it, and put a piece of board on the bottom of the cardboard house. I've also but alot more wood chews in with him so hopefully he doesn't chew the cardboard as often. Another thing his hay was on the ground and he was refusing to eat it, but now it's hanging and he's eating more and I think his crap is getting a bit bigger...but I want to be sure of the cardboard thing to know if I should start watching that. Herby and Tuvok are pretty much always around cardboard and have some to chew on. Thanks.

General Chat / Female hamster
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:22:30 PM »
So I recently got a female Robo hamster, smallest breed of hamster in the world, and she also lives in my room with my two boys. I know that having a female chinchilla in the room will cause fighting but a Robo? My boys haven't been getting horribly violent but they do get annoyed with each other easier. As a side note I've been "enjoying" a certain gift from Nature that causes them to be a bit more obnoxious, but I'm still wondering if she is going to be messing with them. Thanks for any info. :)

General Chat / Re: Major Love-Hate Relationship going on. Help?
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:01:41 PM »
Thanks all!  ::nod::
Right now what I do is let them run in my Mom's bathroom for 30minutes then about 10minutes cooling in the dark and then I get them out separately 30minutes each in my room. That's at night, earlier in the day they are out separately only. I'll try the getting together 30mins, then apart, then together again later on in the week: Herby had to go to the vet and get his teeth trimmed, so he's not feeling 100% yet and I'm giving him a break from running around with Theo.

General Chat / Re: Major Love-Hate Relationship going on. Help?
« on: January 17, 2011, 05:42:38 PM »
Thanks! I'll have to try the vanilla extract thing.
Starleomach: Not trying to be rude but when I have a male rabbit that Refuses to mate with a female but gets Very interested in his male friends I consider that gay.
Also I understand what you mean by they may never get together but when I try to keep them apart and don't give them that 30minutes they sit there and do the calling thing NON-STOP and only get louder and when I let them out to play separately they refuse to get away from the others cage. Once they have the 30minutes they're fine.

General Chat / Major Love-Hate Relationship going on. Help?
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:08:57 PM »
So I've had Herby for a year, he was seeming to get lonely and as a full time student I wasn't able to spend as much time with him as I would like. So I got him a friend: Theo. At first Theo HATED Herby to the point I stopped trying to put them together and accepted that Herby would have to be alone until I can get my own place (no more room for other chins). Recently Herby and Theo have decided to "get over it" meaning they can be carried around together with no problem and can spend 30minutes together, any longer and they start fighting again.
I'm super stoked about this (it's a start)but the thing is they groom each other, then try to hump each other, run around apart from each other, stop for a sec,try to hump, run, groom and it starts all over again.
I know that it is a dominance thing and they get Really crabby and won't be quiet if they don't get time together, but they get frustrated with each other and won't stop trying to hump. Herby usually wins but it hasn't stopped; it's been a week, every night for 30minutes.
Is this normal and is there anything I can do to help it?
...I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda scared I have gay chinchillas since I usually end up picking the gay breeding rabbits...

General Chat / Re: Odd things your chins do.
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:18:18 PM »
My boy Herby loves to climb down things. As in you give him a space between a bookshelf and a wall and he will wiggle his way straight down and akwardly try to come out with his stomach to the ground. ;D
Also both my boys loveto roll in sheets like it's a dust bath. It can be a just cleaned, or dirty, sheet but boy they're going to roll in it as much as possible. ::) 

Health / Backwards dust bath?
« on: January 01, 2011, 08:19:47 PM »
So I usually give my boys a dust bath every night when they go back home, they don't itch nor does their skin seem to dry out; unless they don't get a dust bath. About a 2weeks ago I was unable to give them a dust bath, the next day they itched like crazy all day and would hardly play until I gave them a bath, then they were fine. It happened twice this past week (I was at a late night confrence) and the same thing has happened. Are they just playing me or is there lagit something going on?

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