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Messages - FUSSoverGUS

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Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 25, 2010, 06:13:56 AM »
Hey guys,

So unfortunately i got a call at 145am yesterday, Gus is no longer with us.  He was in a lot of pain when I visited him last night so I opted to let him stay in the hospital one more night.  He actually was responsive just before I left, and I think it was his way of trying to say goodbye and let me know things would be ok.  I really appreciate all the positive energy that everyone put forth.  I wish you all the best of luck with you and your loved ones. 

We aer fortunate to still have our little one Neo.  Gus was definitely my little boy though.  I never thought that something so small could leave such a huge hole in my heart.  I just need some time to heal.

Thanks again guys

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 23, 2010, 08:46:59 PM »
Thanks again for your support.  I just saw my little one at the hospital. He was not in good shape at all, he didnt even move his little whiskers.  But after about an hour of talking to him and petting him he gave me a few signals that he wasn't gone yet.  There is still a fighters chance that he could pull through.  I just hope he knew I was there, and that I didn't want to let him go just yet.

Tomorrow is huge.  I will be sure to post.  I want everyone to know that I have prepared myself for the worst, but am still clinging to a glimmer of hope.  All your positive energy and thoughts are really really appreciated.  Thank you again

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 23, 2010, 04:02:50 PM »
So I got a phone call from the Doctor today.  Apparently Gus isn't being too responsive.  He is under some heavy sedatives but the doc says normally they are a bit more responsive by now. he was just switched to a lighter sedative.  The doc says if his condition doesn't improve by tomorrow that there is a chance he wont pull through. 

I am cursed with a worst case scenario auto switch in my brain but am trying to remain positive.

Gus is a bit of a runt but the Doc said that shouldn't play too much into him not being very responsive.  he sleeps on his side (which he rarely does at home. RARELY).  the bill is already almost 2 grand and I have way over extended myself, i cant really afford to keep him in the hospital more than a day more.   I am going to visit him tonight.  I am hoping he is a bit more energetic because i have been a bit on the sensitive side since he went into surgery and i dont think ill do too well if he isnt feeling a bit better.

The doc told me that it might be the pain, and that when the pain is too much for some chins after surgery they just quit.  so i am going to visit him tonight and ask him not to quit on me.

I don't know what else to do at this point.  I think we are going to bring him home tomorrow.  Unless he is in really bad shape and the Doctor thinks she can help save him, i feel like its best for him to be at home with us. aside from not being able to afford much more time at the hospital, i cant imagine the little guy letting go and me not being there.  but im really hoping that his condition improves by tonight, and most importantly by tomorrow.

I am taking him some of his chew toys (for smell, so he can at least feel a little at home).  Please keep Gus in your thoughts, and thanks for all that have been keeping up to date on whats been going on.  Thanks for all the advice and genuine concern. 

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:38:05 AM »
I just receieved a phone call from the Doctor and Gus went through surgery ok. All of the stones were removed.  Now all I can do is wait and hope for a full and speedy recovery. 

The doctor seems hopeful.

I will be sure to ask her about switching.  He has been on critical care for about the past week anyways, and im not sure if they have been giving him any pellets.

I must say, they are doing a lot of treatments and im hearing about a lot of painkillers that he is on.  I can't help but feel that they dragged out the process a bit as well.  I don't know.  I cant think right, im so stressed right now.  All i know is hopefully my boy will be coming home tomorrow or weds.

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 20, 2010, 06:28:25 PM »
when i first got gus i read that chins should have a balanced diet of alfalfa and timothy, so i have been doing kaytee timothy hay and mazuri pellets.  does anyone know of any good brands that make purely timothy pellets? 

I cant imagine pellets being healthier than the natural hay though.  except for the fact that they have some extra vitamins and minerals.  does mazuri make timothy based pellets?  my vet told me to make sure and check ingredients for pellets that "claim" to be timothy based because sometimes they blend with alfalfa.

also i know you are supposed to gradually make the switch when it comes to foods, but frankly i pulled all the mazuri alfalfa pellets from my boys cages and they are just eating hay and chewing on apple twigs and such for now. 

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:02:49 PM »
So Gus is at the hospital.  He is getting surgery tomorrow or monday.  I'm hoping he'll be ok, Gus is pretty small (ive always called him a little runt) but hes firey, so I think he'll be ok. 
The doctor told me that it was probably not the water (it could have been) but most likely it was the alfalfa.  I use Mazuri brand alfalfa based pellets, but I won't anymore.  Gus is going to get timothy hay and little chew sticks and such (alfalfa for treats on occasion only.)

I have read through different forums, and don't get me wrong I have read that stones are not common and that many breeders have never had complications with stones and preach well balanced diets of timothy hay and alfalfa.  My Doc explained that in the wild chins are scavengers and really eat lots of grasses and sticks twigs and bark.  That being said im sure chins in the wild probably dont live 15-20 years but still.  I just dont wanted to put that out there (please this is not to scare people or persuade them off alfalfa, but rather just so you know MY situation and you may feel compelled to do some research of your own.)

Even still I have switched over to distilled water for my boys, but i cant imagine after a year of purified water that Gus would get a stone.

Another things is that Chins are good at hiding symptoms until their conditions have become pretty severe.   I know this is common knowledge but just hearing it from the vets mouth really reiterates how important it is to monitor your chins behavior and practice being proactive rather than waiting until its too late.

I have 3 chinchilla books, belong to a few forums and browse the net often looking for reliable sources to educate myself on.  I have spoken with breeders, one in particular in california for a few hours, and basically tried to educate myself fairly well.  I can't help but feel like that still wasn't enough since I am now in my current situation.

Enough dragging.  Thank you for your concerns everyone.  I was a hot mess at the animal hospital yesterday when I was getting the news about Gus.  I only hope that he pulls through (I believe he will).  I will be sure to update you all on his condition.

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:42:20 PM »
so he hates my guts right now because i force feed him antibiotics the vet gave me, but he seems to be doing a little better.  poor guy struggles to poop and pee.  there was a chance he was going to have to have some procedure to remove the stones but its looking like he wont be needing that procedure(thank goodness) the medicine is sticky and it got on the fur under his mouth and he doesnt like that either. its kind of cute he cleans his chin alot. 

we gave him water from the filter in the kitchen but im switching to distilled water from the store now.  vet says most likely its the water.  also i bought them calcium carrot chews from the store (advertised for chins) and now im wondering if that contributed.  but he at that so long ago i dont think so.

if anyone has any further advice it is more than appreciated.

Health / Re: Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:48:08 PM »
I did give him these faux carrots that were supposed to have calcium but that was ages ago.  I use Mazuri alfalfa pellets, and kaytee timothy hay. i cant wait until 5 so i can go home and check on the little one. i dont want to take him to the hospital....

Health / Gus has stones! :( help?
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:31:57 AM »
So my gf took Gus to the vet and my poor boy has stones? Apparently he cant really pee and thats why he has been in pain when he poops.  they took two x-rays to see the stones. they are trying to get one out now but two are in the ureathra.  The vet referred us to another place that would "flush out" the stones? she said that they would likely take an ultrasound and the total cost would be around $1000

Is there anyone else out there that has encountered this problem?  The vet apparently gave my gf some stuff to treat Gus at home as an alternative but we were told if his condition doesnt improve he would have to go to the hospital. 

She said that stones are caused by city water or dark leafy greens?  I give him kaytee brand timothy hay and western timothy, and we dont live in the city.  I give him water from the purifier downstairs in the kitchen and i wash out his water bottle with bakingsoda and water regularly.

Is there anyone with experience here or advice?  I am trying to explore options because i am not in a position to spend $1000 right now, the vet bill alone with xrays was 245 already.  Is this hospital the only route?  I am at a loss right now and could use some advice asap please..

Health / Re: what should i do?
« on: March 15, 2010, 11:06:09 AM »
THANK you so much.  Regardless this has taught me a lesson, i was really stupid not to be proactive and research a vet "just in case".  now im in a bind. there really arent that many if any vets in my area that specialize in exotics let alone chinchillas.  the only prosepective place is an animal hospital (im at work and havent had a chance to call) they do exotics. but i dont want to take little gus in and have them tell me they dont know whats wrong with him and rob me for a few hundred (which is what my friends are telling me is going to happen).  im really starting to stress because i feel like im not doing enough and my little boy is suffering.  i watched him drink some water this morning before i left for work and gave him a little piece of shredded wheat (hes been eating his hay too).

i think his poo might have been a bit soft because i gave him that 1/6 piece of a vitamin C.  I read that it makes them poop anyways so that might be why.  his wimpering is what is making me worry the most.

Health / Re: what should i do?
« on: March 15, 2010, 10:30:50 AM »
is ther ea difference between a vet and an animal hospital? because it seems like in my area the only places that do exotics are hospitals.  we are looking in to taking him to see someone today or tomorrow.

Health / Re: what should i do?
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:17:00 PM »
so as i was cleaning his cage, my gf noticed that gus would make the wimpy noise and move forward a little, and then squeak and move forward a little, like he was in pain.  Gus pooped and his poop was mushy and a little wet. 

I dont know if that helps.

Should i just stick with giving him hay and no pellets?  and is the organic non sweetened cranberry juice mix with water a bad idea or should i start doing that again? 

Health / Re: what should i do?
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:37:11 PM »
it was coming out of his anus, I am pretty sure it wasn't coming out of his penis but now that you mention it it didnt even occur to me that it could have been pee.  I had picked him up and brought him into a different room, and as I was holding him he was in the process of popping and i noticed that there was liquid around his anus but he hadn't pee'd on the floor or in my hand.  Gus is a he.  It seems as though he is eating and drinking ok.  At first I freaked out and pulled his pellets and just gave him plenty of hay, and I have been giving him a little piece of shredded wheat each day (about the size of half a quarter).  I gave him the vitamin C about 3 hours ago and he seems a little more active now? 

I just noticed that he has been peeing a lot near his water bottle, which is where I'm thinking he might have gotten sick so after I clean his cage today I think I'm going to move his water bottle.

As far as I can remember the liquid was clear.  It wasn't cloudy or murky, but it may have been a little yellow?  When I picked him up a few minutes ago he was more himself and he wasn't squeaking (the hurt noises) when I pet him.  

We are still keeping a close eye on our little guy.  After I clean his cage and give him new bedding I'll be able to better monitor his stools.

Thank you for replying so soon, as this has been an anxious time for us.

Health / what should i do?
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:17:00 PM »
I noticed that for the past day or so Gus has been sleepy alot. Yesterday when i was petting him he was making sounds like he was hurt a little, and when i was holding him he was letting me (usually this doesnt last long).  I noticed that some liquid was coming out of his butt, and I freaked out and started doing research online.  There really arent that many vets around here that do exotic, and it is the weekend so I decided that I would try to get some answers online.  I bought natural cranberry juice and we tried to put a little in his water (he didnt really like it) and i gave him some shredded wheat and lots of hay.  He seemed to be doing better and was more active (no more liquid coming out of his anus today) but he still seems a little mopey.  I read online that you can give chins twice a week 1/4 of a 500 mil vitamin c, so i gave gus 1/6 of a 500 mil .  Has anyone experienced this ?  im freaking out a little.  I read that symptoms usually come in the late stages of being sick.  my little boy is tough and ive been watching him closely, should i rush him to an animal hospital?  i dont feel its THAT urgent, but i def do want to take him to the vet tomorrow.  i dumped the cranberry water because he doesnt like it.  any advice is appreciated.

General Chat / Re: destined to be seperate?
« on: March 05, 2009, 08:34:57 PM »
wow thanks for all the addition information everyone.

So the last time i tried to let them play, I set up a fairly small fenced in area in my room.  I let them both run around in it by themselves so they could get used to the area (about 15-20 minutes each alone).  Then I placed neo in first (since he seems to be more aggresive, he still nips at me!) and i stepped in with Gus.  Before I could even put Gus down Neo ran up and bit Gus on the nose.  I immediated took Gus out, put Neo back in his cage and then let Gus play (to make sure he was ok).  In the past after a scuffle Gus has acted like a hurt child; whiney and mopey.  (past fights were more rough playing, a bit of fur coming off though).  This time Gus was acting fine so I assumed everything was ok.  There was no blood and Gus was in good spirits running around playing cheerfully.  about 2 days later I noticed a little scar on poor Gus's nose.  This worries me a little.  It seems that the boys just want to fight and not really be friends.  I have them both in my room but with cages about 3 feet apart.  I am currently still switching them between cages and toys but they are not allowed to play.  Neo isn't really tame yet anyways.  Gus used to nip at me alot (especially though the cage) but now Gus is very sweet and rarely nips at all (he is such a good boy)  Gus used to throw temper tantrums in his cage but now he patiently waits and is pretty affectionate. 
Neo is a bit more aggressive.  He isn't too interested in me and I haven't really ever seen him popcorn (which worries me)  he seems happy but no popcorns.  The other day he sat on my knee for about 2 minutes while my girlfriend was tapping on some cardboard and scratched him a little.  He is slowly getting more affectionate but still tries to bypass my hands on his way out and isn't as affectionate or trusting.  I figure that i'll have a better chance of having Gus and Neo friends when Neo trusts me a bit more, although I do worry that they are getting older.
I will never use the smoosh method in fear that Gus will get hurt again.  I like the stuffed animal idea but like i said im taking it extra slow this time.  the boys seem to be super territorial when it comes to their cages.  If gus goes anywhere near neos cage neo will get on his hind legs and bite and the bars and vice versa.  I am still hopeful that one day they will learn to get along but i have accepted that the possibility of this is low.  I don't think either of them get that jealous as long as they both get turns to play.  Gus seems much smarter to me.  He is much more agile and his balance and jumping ability is nothing short of impressive.  Neo is just a bit more rough, but his balance and coordination is inferrior to Gus.  I'm convinced Gus is a runt because he is pretty small and smaller than Neo for sure.

I will def continue to swap cages, toys and dust baths and this stuffed animal idea sounds great.  My priority right now is to win Neo over though and just make sure my boys are happy :)  Hopefully someday they will be friends.

Right now Gus has been randomly humping things though which is new.  Honestly it is a bit amusing when i see him run up to one of my blankets and hump it.  Neo mainly seems interested in running around and chewing on things. 

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