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Messages - chicosmama

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
South West USA / Re: MANY Chinchillas for Sale (AZ/CA/NM/TX)
« on: December 17, 2007, 05:23:53 PM »
What are you looking for?

Looking for a male to be a playmate for my chin while I am away. I just can't give my chin up at all but I want him to have a buddy while I am out at class mondays and tuesdays and instead of always being alone in the cage when I am at work (even if it IS daytime.)

South West USA / Re: MANY Chinchillas for Sale (AZ/CA/NM/TX)
« on: December 16, 2007, 11:43:10 PM »
I am really trying to find another chin but there arent anybody selling them in VA at the moment =(

North East USA / Chinchilla
« on: December 11, 2007, 11:14:20 PM »
I need to find a male chinchilla in VA for my Chico. He is lonely and I dont want any breeding going on so I gotta find a male. I spend three horus with him daily but hes still a bit lonely because I cant do this time consistently.

Memorials / Re: Not quite my chin but..
« on: October 14, 2007, 08:37:27 PM »
Similar to malocollusion in chinchillas, my gecko didnt get enough vitamins and calcium so her bones became too weak and she couldnt move so she died. Infact I accidentally killed her by feeding her on the tip of her nose. When she went to lick it she couldnt swallow and choked.

Its very very very hard to tell if a reptile is sick until its almost too late. If they are less active or regurgitating thats a sign. You might want to take the gecko to a local vet OR to a reptile specialist and just ask.

Memorials / Not quite my chin but..
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:42:18 PM »
My lizard passed away. She accquired MBD (metabollic bone disease) and couldn't eat when I tried to feed her she choked. There was nothing I could do by the time I found an exotic vet she would have already passed.

I just have to bite my tongue and move on but she was the most joyful little baby crested I ever saw.

General Breeder Chat / Re: Can Someone Classify My Mutt? (=
« on: October 13, 2007, 12:13:24 PM »
I saw a chinchilla at petco.. I wanted to cry. He had NO TOYS, a plastic igloo, and four water bottles in the entire cage! It was utterly unbearable.

General Chat / Re: The Family
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:19:45 PM »
What kind of lizard is it?  I can't tell from the picture.  :)

A crested gecko.

General Chat / Re: The Family
« on: October 12, 2007, 04:42:08 PM »
Awww, nice to see you all. ::nod::
Reminds me, had my name in on a corn snake, guess they never got any eggs yet. ::think::
So how's the snake as a pet?
Do you breed or buy his food? ;)

I buy from a breeder right down the road. He's where I got my lizard. He is VERY helpful, all his employees. They are more of a outta home shop. When I decide to breed my snake I will sell him the babies since more people buy babies than they do adults. Im the other way around.

Q & A / Re: One more question..........
« on: October 11, 2007, 01:32:16 PM »
Chinchillas much prefer to be on the shavings.  Its more comfortable and safer on their little feet.

Alrighty, he'll get his bottom out tonight. Im sure he'll be happy... o.o oh lord, I can only imagine the shavings across the house lol.

Q & A / Re: One more question..........
« on: October 11, 2007, 01:05:36 PM »
I prefer my chinchillas to be right on the shavings but it does make for a much messier floor!  :D

I am simply worried about the comfort of my baby, that is all. Think he would enjoy it more or does it matter?

Q & A / One more question..........
« on: October 11, 2007, 12:40:07 PM »
I have a wire bottom tray..... I can remove the bottom wire, would that be okay to give him some aspen to run around in or should I just keep it there? Thanks!

Q & A / Re: My chinchillas is missing!!! I need help!
« on: October 11, 2007, 12:25:05 PM »
Chico got out of his ball one night (I no longer use that unsafe thing) and then he also got out of his cage one night. I found him easily both times. The reason being is there's a lotta dark holes in that room so I didn't have to worry about him leaving. Hold a raisin around the dark holes in your house and you will find out where he is. (= (He or she.)

General Breeder Chat / Re: Can Someone Classify My Mutt? (=
« on: October 11, 2007, 10:01:10 AM »

My first two chinchillas were pet store chins ... before I knew better. 

In some pictures it looks like a long thin nose ... BUT ... in one of the pictures that is almost a profile, he looks to have a fairly blunt nose, which would be good.   :) 

His fur is nice, his ears are placed well and his eyes look bright and clear.

He appears to have a pretty white belly ... I'd love to see a picture of him from the side ... in one picture it looks like the gray/white line on the side of his belly is nice and straight, but in another picture you can't see the white from the side at all.

Do you have any idea of his weight?

Compaired to most normal "pet store chins", he looks very nice. 

I've seen some that are beautiful, BUT ... things like malocclusion, seizures and heart murmurs may not show up in a chin until it is 3 to 5 years old or older.  Like Jamie said ... he could father many kits and pass that on before you found that there was a problem.  Just think of all the chins that would also suffer his same fate.

Knowing what I do now, I would never breed a pet store chin, even if he/she did do good in a show.  

Abby, unless you get the pedigree for them, find and talk to the breeder, and get some back ground information on them, you would only be asking for trouble to breed a chinchilla that is "unknown".  You never know what might be 'lurching' around in their past ... with the big beautiful cage you were given with them and the exercise wheel, I would just enjoy them or find them a good home.  Them and their cage, wheel and all cost you nothing ... it's not that much to feed two more little mouths.  Just love them or give them to someone that has the time for them.   :)  That's what I would do/tried to do.

 ::wave::  Jo Ann

I need to find an exinexpensive scale to weigh him.

I will never breed a chinchilla. Im not good with losses and thats why I gave up my sugar gliders before they lost a baby. I gave them to a more experienced breeder.

I dont think he has any health problems. Ive checked his teeth, his poop, etc.

I do need to check his weight.

I think I can try to get pictures once more. I need to groom him and I have a steel needle brush coming ina few days to do so. My mother wasnt very helpful taking pictures as she was too busy trying to figure out how to hold the camera for a good angle shot.

News / Re: M.C.B.A. Nationals
« on: October 11, 2007, 06:48:37 AM »
As soon as someone holds a show in VA, I will be there. I am not allowed to travel out of state with my mothers car.  :doh: :doh:

News / Re: Fuzzy Chins had a baby ... a 2-legged one!
« on: October 11, 2007, 06:41:20 AM »
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww  :D She's so cute!

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