Chinchillas > Health

Banana flavouring??

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Hi guys I have a wee sick chinchilla and the vet has gave me recovery plus
Similar to this
He isn’t eating it from the syringe or my finger or a spoon so I’m wondering would it be safe to put like banana flavouring or like raisin flavouring in it to encourage him to eat it?
He isn’t taking it in any way I’ve tried and I think I’ve already stressed him out enough trying with the syringe.

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.


A chinchilla that is not syringe feeding will need intensive care. I recommend consulting with your vet but here is my opinion.

The diet must be liquid and easily dispensable through the syringe. The syringe should be inserted behind the front teeth towards the side of the mouth. Don't be afraid to get the tip towards the back teeth. Do not shoot straight at the throat to avoid choking and aspiration. If the liquid is on the tongue and in the mouth and the chinchilla is not swallowing it is probably not saveable.

I am very sorry you are having this problem. Were you given a diagnosis?

Erm no not really he never said much just that he had an icky tummy. He has very squishy poo but not diarrhoea. He is still eating normally and drinking normally and his poops are looking a bit better this morning.
The vet also gave us metacalm (a painkiller) Zantac syrup (to calm inflammation and help With acid reflux) and emeprid oral solutions ( to promote the passage of food through the stomach and into the intestine at a normal rate.) he has taken the other 2 medications fine (because he didn't take the syringe food I didn't give him the painkiller because it needs to be taken with food). I'm just wondering if it could be the taste of it which is why I'm wondering if banana flavouring could be added.

I've never heard of that before where a chinchilla won't syringe feed then eats normally. Usually when they stop syringe feeding recovery it means they've given up and are on their way out. I'm extremely glad to hear your chinchilla is eating and recovering.

I had a chinchilla that had soft feces once. They found coccidia, which is a parasitic infection. The medication they provided was very effective in just a few days.

As far as the taste of the food I don't know. The contents of the diet you are feeding are mostly uncontroversial.

BLS Chins:
 Did the vet do a fecal?


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