Chinchillas > Cages


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I have been wanting to get a new chin cage.  I was wondering if a bird-type cage with 1/2" bar spacing, but more than an inch the other way was OK.  In other words, the bars are vertically 1/2" apart, but there are few bars running horizontally.


Jo Ann:
::silly:: Hi Banjoboy,
   Cages made with wire that is 1/2" x 1" is best for all chinchillas.

   But ... I do have a pair in a bird cage.  It works pretty good ... as long as you replace the base/pan ... if the base/pan is made of plastic. 

   Chinchillas will chew anything they can get their little teeth into and this can be dangerous for them because plastic does not dissolve, it stays hard and tears up the intestines of the chin.

   All of the little sliding doors have to be wired down and the door will require a good lock.

   If you are planning to put a breeding pair in it, I would not.  Often the wire is painted and chins will chew the paint and consume it.

Jo Ann [/i]

It doesn't have a plastic pan.  I thought it would be great since it is a giant cage.  I don't think the doors slide either.   I wasn't planning on putting a breeding pair in it.  I guess I don't really understand why more horizontal bars make a difference if the spacing is 1/2" anyway.  I mean, they can't get there heads jammed in that small of a spacing.  I would think it would make it easier for them to get a leg caught or something if there were more horizontal bars to trap their legs.  Am I wrong? ::wacko::

Jo Ann:
::silly::   Hi,

I did not realize it was a giant cage ... by giant cage, do you mean one that is or almost is as tall as a human?

The only problem with the long, narrow bars is when a chin starts running round and round the cage (using the walls of the cage only), his weight and momentum will sometimes cause the bars to spring/expand a little, then quickly spring back, this is when his leg could get caught/hung-up between the bars and break his leg.  Rare, but it does happen.

Jo Ann [/i]

I got another question that concerning the cages

Mine has a plastic base pan. Actually, I found that 98% of cages that sold in Hong Kong are of plastic base pan( some can be removed but some not) and with painting/ coating wire. They look lovely and cutie themselves. Some are with wire base. But the shop assistants always told you not to put them on the base in order to seperate the bedding. They said the chins love to walk on solid ground and love to stay on the wood shaving/ other kind of bedding materials(some are made of recycle paper, like the one for cats, but it said it is for small animal like rabbits, hamsters, chins and even snakes.)

acutually, one of my chin, mama, had to cut one arm off since her arm was trapped in between the wire grids. So, i would why all the cages i saw in the non-hong kong websites are with wire base. Besides, my chins do chew the sides of the plastic base and the wire coating , but no problems happened at all. So, would it be ok to use the plastic base and let the chins chew the plastic? But i think i can't  find a cage that is big enough and without plasitic base.

P.s. My cage also has a plastic fence surround it to avoid the poop and litter from flying out.


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