Chinchillas > Cages

What do you use to "nail" boards together?



Finally remembered the third question I had! If I want to join two boards together to make an L,  I'd normally use my dad's nail gun... It counter sinks the nails nearly instantly.  Is that ok?  Or do I need to use screws?  Or do I somehow have to glue (non-toxic glue of course) them together where they can't come apart??  Hmm, I guess I could attempt to use his router to do interlocking notches... Not sure I'm comfortable using that by myself but I could probably talk him into helping me!

Mahalo in advance for any insight you can provide!

I were building it I'd probably use screws (Chinchillas are active and bounce around) but as long as it will hold together you should be fine. Non toxic glue is fine too. However you construct it make sure the animals cannot chew down to where a sharp nail or screw might occur. It's just something you'll have to monitor in your routine cage maintenance.

if it is to attach pieces to the cage, I use metal to wood screws. It's like a screw end with a bolt other end so perfect for screwing into wood and then put a washer and a wing nut. To attach wood to wood I drill both parts partly and join them with a wooden dowel so that if they chew through it they won't injure themselves by exposing a metal screw.

BLS Chins:
You can use screws but be aware of them as they chew the wood down. Exposed screws can cause a lot of damage. Non toxic glue (like elmers glue) is great to use on smaller items


--- Quote from: BLS Chins on October 26, 2016, 07:56:02 PM ---You can use screws but be aware of them as they chew the wood down. Exposed screws can cause a lot of damage. Non toxic glue (like elmers glue) is great to use on smaller items

thats why i only use screws or bolts to fix to the cage and only so they don't go to far into the wood that could be chewed. that's also why i use dowels to attach poop guards or other things that are exposed for the chins to chew, at least it's still just wood if they chew them, and it's easier to pull them apart too if you need to replace parts.
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